Thursday 24 May 2007

Mindvox Indie Battle of The Bands Final and Robin Auld

Well there has been 2 amazingly close semi-finals and for those of you who don't know yet the final line up is as follows:

Final takes place at The Maze on Sunday, 3rd June and we will be kicking off around 4.30pm.

This also gives you a rare treat of seeing my favourite South African artist of all time.  The amazing Robin Auld will entertain the crowd whilst we count the hundreds of votes :o)  Have a listen and add him as one of your friends...go on make the man feel welcome!!!

But above all make sure you don't miss him.

Tuesday 1 May 2007


This blog is probably not going to make any sense to anyone, except perhaps those responsible for my mood.  Sorry I just have to get things off my chest.

What is the best thing to do in life? 

Be cynical about everyone, never learning to trust?  Or give people the benefit of the doubt, only for them to push you aside when you have outlived your usefulness.

You would think I would have learnt by now, especially after the events of last year.

Why are people never as they seem?