Sunday 3 June 2007

The Crimea 1/2 June

Ok I really should be getting ready for more pressing business today, but I just cannot get The Crimea  out of my head.
I have done 3 dates of the current tour so far, most recent being last couple of nights.  To say I am buzzing is putting it mildly!!!  It is so great to feel so moved by music again.  Irony is that most the lyrics are quite sad and miserable, but for some reason I find it uplifting - strange I know.

It was so awesome to hear "Someone's Crying" and "Opposite Ends" again and from the new album I like "Weird", "Don't Close your Eyes", Several Thousand Years of Talking Nonsense"....need to see "Raining Planets" live.

I am totally in love with the new album called "Secrets of the Witching Hour" and you can download a FREEEEEE copy on  So what are you waiting for??  I dare you not to like it!

Even more I dare you to go to a gig and not feel moved.  Davey, Owen, Andrew, Joe and Andy know how to entertain and sheer passion and energy makes this one a must.

Also got myself some crazy new roadbuddies and it sure as hell beats gigging alone.  Thanks Matt, Paul (aka Luke), Chris and of course my mate Tommy!

A selection of videos can be found on my You tube 
"Pterodactyls take on the helicopter gunships"         

"....its not easy being weird...."

See you at the Maze at 4.30pm TODAY!!!!