Wednesday 28 May 2008

The problem with holiday blogging is... when you go on another trip without completing the blog for the previous one!
So I am only going to say a few things about Munich.

I got to see the Castle I have been dying to see for some years and 300 steps later it did (literally) take my breath away.  Schloss Neuschwanstein is all it appears to be and spending time in the Alps was awesome.

This is not my picture, but I had to show you what I meant.  Will upload mine when I get a minute.

There was some fun in getting to this place as its not really Munich as we discovered.  We had a hire car booked from the Airport   Didn't bank on the difficulty surrounding driving a left hand drive car or the fact that we had no map or information of where our hotel was.  All we knew it was at the foot of the castle! So via Starnberger See and a few Rococo churches it was 3 and a half hours later that we arrived in Southern Bavaria. 

After we saw the Castles the following day, we made our way to Munich city centre to our home for the next 4 days.  Phil decided to navigate and I carried on driving, managed to hit a few kerbs but luckily did not kill anyone or wreck the car.

We had tickets for Vampire Weekend for the Friday night and both of us had been very much looking forward to seeing these guys as their UK tour was sold out almost instantly.  So we decided to get on U-Bahn and leave car behind. 

I thought it was a very late gig as it said on the ticket Entry is at 20.59 and start 22.00 so obviously I thought that would be first band on at 10pm.  But much to our delight as we got there, we had a drink and 10pm on the dot Vampire Weekend were on stage and we were done by 11pm.  I think  promotors in this country can learn a lot about putting this information on tickets.  People have paid to see the main attraction, why should it not state on the ticket exactly what time they are on stage?

Vampire Weekend were absolutely fabulous, and everyone of their songs came to live so much.  Despite being a bit tired and not in the mood for a gig, I am ever so glad that we went.

So since my last blog a few things have happened:
1.  I moved house and I am now living in sin with my fella (poor man).  Thanks to Helen for putting up with me for 9 months!

2.  So about health you have been asking?  I am going to QMC tomorrow for a little operation.  So part of me hopes that QMC does not have a bed free in the morning and the other part of me just wants it over and done with.  (I suppose I should really tell my boss!!)

3.  Its party time weekend after next and if you have been invited, you better make sure you come.