Monday 23 January 2012

Mauritian Curry Review

I got the chance to try out a brand new product from the Werner Durban Curry range - a Mauritian curry.  I can honestly say that I have never tried one, so did not quite know what to expect.
Its a brilliant idea for those of us who want an easy life with already measured out quantities of herbs and spices ready for you to add some meat, veg and any of the fresh spices you might need.
I used chicken breast for this curry, the instructions suggested 500g of meat.  We had 3 huge chicken breasts so not entirely sure how much it was - but there was a lot. 
Next I coated the chicken with the powedered spices included in the pack whilst the oil was heating in the pan and then seared the meat and removed from pan.
I then added the rest of the spices to the pan to toast and infuse and then returned the chicken and remainder of the ingredients along with the 400ml of stock.  I remember thinking when I added it to the pan how it was far too "wet" for my taste.
Well I was wrong!  I cooked the curry for about 20 minutes and it thickened up lovely.  I served mine with brown rice and a coriander nan.

The curry was really nice, unlike any other curry I have tasted.  The combination of the aromatic spices along with the mustard seeds and plenty ginger made for a lovely well balanced depth of flavour. I found it very hard sticking to the recipe as I had the urge to chuck all sorts in.  I would probably prefer a hotter curry and would next time perhaps add a chilli to the mix or request a hot pack as opposed to a medium one.
I whole heartedly recommend this product and look forward to my next curry.  To order your spice packs or Werners Original Durban Curry visit their website