Thursday 16 October 2014

(NOT) Dealing with loss

I am struggling, this is a fact.

Its been 10 weeks since my baby brother, Werner, was taken away from us.  I cry every day, I need to find solace, I need to accept, I need the hurt to stop.  But I don't want to stop feeling, I don't ever want to forget what he means to us.

Another fact, Life is HARSH and mine is incomplete.... 

Wednesday 16 July 2014

8 years since Snow Patrol gig

Gosh how time flies, I cannot believe its been 8 years since that wonderful day.  I still cringe when I think about my stage appearance and how I made a tit of myself in front of thousands.  I had so many inspirational things to say and people to thank and what happened???  I lost the ability to speak and giggled like a school girl.

But most of all......I missed my chance to stage dive!

Friday 3 January 2014

Charity Gig Announced!

Well its a new year and time for my annual charity gig again.  This year featuring the amazing Robert Vincent and his band.  Details can be found below: