Saturday 13 January 2007

The Great Escape Alldayer on 27th Jan

This Great Escape Charity All-Dayer follows the 10 bands 10 hours held a year ago in Nottingham. This gig is held in support of Cancerbackup, a charity that provides much needed support and information to cancer sufferers and their families – We hope to raise much needed awareness and funds for the charity and also to display the fabulous calendars done by 

The lineup confirmed are as follows and in alphabetical order):

My lucky 13

Adam Smith (London - ex Derby)

Captain Dangerous


Chris Fry (Manchester)

Dirty Saint

Dlugokecki (Southampton)

Eddyfink (London)


Richard Snow & The Inlaws


The Auxiliaries

The Counterfeits (Bath)

The Warm (Southampton)

Doors will open at 4pm and we are kicking off at 4.30pm. Tickets will be available at all Censored gigs at £5 in advance or on the day before 6pm. After that it will be £7 on the door. If you can't get to any gigs, but want to ensure a ticket you can pay me through paypal at

If you want to know more about my reasons for doing this you can read my website The information on there goes back to a gig in September. But the charity page tells the story. Also I have 6 biggies in the pipeline for this year which will include some more nice support slots.

I really appreciate your support of The Great Escape and I urge you all to come to this All-Dayer and do your bit for charity. Also check out the calendars on this link above, I will be selling some on the night.

Thats it I think, feel free to ask for more info if you need it.

Margi x

PS: Anybody able to design me a super duper leaflet for this charity gig?? Please email me on the above email.

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