Friday 19 January 2018

USA Roadtrip - Day 1 Los Angeles

Who would have thought that its been 9 months since we booked the flights for this trip and that the time passed relatively quickly.  To say we are excited is putting it mildly.

We decided that we would wait till the traffic settled after work before making our way to our hotel at Gatwick airport.  It took us just over 4 hours to get there with stopping off for a bite and we arrived shortly before midnight.

Two overexcited bunnies unable to sleep, despite being so tired form the drive and the long week's work.

Morning came and we were up early enough to get to the airport with plenty of time to grab a bite before leaving.

Ste is a nervous flyer and I was a little worried about him but he actually was not that bad and once we were in the air it was all ok.  Well I was asleep so I am sure it was ok.  Obviously I did not sleep through out the trip and apparently neither did he haha.

We finally arrived at LAX and Ste's passport would not go through the automatic gate and he got sent to a different queue and I was told to make my way downstairs to the baggage claim area.  I was there for over an hour not knowing what was going on or whether there was anything wrong and I could not reach him by phone as there was no signal in the airport.

I was so glad to see him come down the stairs eventually.

We then went to find the stop for our shuttle to the car hire place.  It was another hour before we were finally on our way.  I am shitting myself driving and my head totally fell off as traffic was horrendous.  Luckily I spotted an Arbies in the distance and we were starving so we went there and waited for traffic to die down a bit.  This halved our journey time.  Well it should have if we found the right hotel first time!

After settling into the hotel, it was around 10pm and we had been awake for over 24 hours.  We rested for a bit and could easily have gone to sleep but its Ste's birthday so I persuaded him that we had to go for a drink at least.

Our hotel was 5 minute walk from Hollywood Walk of Fame so we strolled off and the Chinese Theatre was the first thing you could see in the distance.

We went into Hard Rock Cafe and Ste got us some beers and himself a "Bullitt Burbon in a rock glass".  Cheap as chips haha.  Happy Birthday my love.

There was some kind of karaoke going on with a live band and if only we were awake we might have thought about taking part.  We decided to go for a stroll and head home.

Day 2

Up early and off to Ihop.  Ste was very curious and we had a BIG breakfast.  I could have gone back to sleep afterwards.  We were waiting to hear from Rachel to see what time she would be meeting up with us.

We made our way to Hollywood and Highland Centre and  we went looking for Rachel.

We did some shopping and then went for some cocktails.  Very strange looking cocktails. 

 We went for a drive down Mullholland drive, Greystone Manor, Beverly Hills to much hilarity of stars homes and obviously we all know where Ben Stiller lives now.  We then stopped off at the Viper Room where we were supposed to be going to a gig but we were just too tired as the jet lag had properly set in  now.  So we decided to go for some dinner and then drove Rachel back (to the wrong place first).  Horse riders.....

Day 3 - Warner Brothers Studio

Checked out of our hotel early as we had 10am studio tour booked.  So took some last minute pictures before setting off.

Warner Brothers was amazing and needs a blog all to itself.  But needles to say we loved every bit of it.  

Even got a kiss on the Friends couch.

Ste got to ride his bat pod and the pic below shows just a few bits of the green screen fun we had.

After the tour we drove to our hotel in San Diego, where I just wanted to go to sleep and we ordered some take out from Lazy Dog which was very appropriate!

1 comment:

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