Wednesday 11 October 2023

Philip Seth Campbell Tour - Day 1 Newcastle Cluny

 The day has finally arrived.  I looked at the weather report and was very happy to see that no rain had been forecast for my couple of days away.  I was planning on returning tonight after the gig but I decided that it did not make sense so found myself a Travelodge at Washington services for the night.

I set off around 11am so that I can take my time. Not been to that side of the world in quite some time.  I decided to make a little detour to the Angel of the North as I had only ever seen it driving by.  

Spent about 20 minutes there before setting off for the Cluny.  I got to the venue for about 3.30pm and headed in after finding some suitable parking.  

Did not see any sign of anybody so had a alcohol free beer whilst waiting in the bar.  I met a couple of the Modena City Ramblers, an Italian band that were playing in the bigger room tonight.  Communication was a bit of an issue but hilarious none the less.  Lovely old Italian rockers :-)

I then bumped into Ben at the bar and went over with him, met Mike for the first time and said hello to Phil.  It all started off a bit frosty but I soon engaged verbal diarrhea and Phil and I ended up in a heated debate about all manner of things including his love for Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus.

Finally its time for doors and the place soon fills up.  Merch desk is in a good position and I can see the stage from where I am sat.  It feels so good to be back in my happy place.

Alice Faye opened the evening with Lewis on guitar.  The girl has a lovely voice and I likened it to Patsy Cline for some songs.  Not my up of tea but the girl has talent.

Phil was in fine voice and we were got most of the songs from the new album except for one of my favourites Silent Symphony. What made me happy was hearing Temperance Movement and Byson Family songs thrown in there too.

The main set was finished off with City Limits and the rest of the band went off so that Phil could do a couple of solo tracks.  However, a gentleman in the audience fainted and it took some time to sort out and get help so the boys came back on stage and finished off the night with a brilliant edition of Lovers and Fighters.

Merch sales went well afterwards and I was absolutely buzzing driving to my hotel.  As soon as I hit the bed I was so very happy that I didn't decide to drive home. 

Went to sleep with a huge smile on my face.  God I love live music!!!

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