Thursday 28 December 2006

The Great Escape 2006 Review

  • Well we are almost at the end of 2006 and on a lovely autumn evening on 30th September we started The Great Escape.  These nights have showcased some great local as well as out of town bands and have proved to be quite popular.  Mostly thanks to resident band Censored.

    Saturday, 30th September
    First Great Escape was on 30th September and you can read all about that here.

    Wednesday, 25th October
    2nd Great Escape was on a Wedneday night unfortunately but we still had a relatively good turnout.  This gig was part of the Oxjam festival and pictures were taken by John Rouston and can be viewed here.
    This gig had Tom Wardle filling in last minute to open the show.  Memories of his set includes him doing a cover of cheesy Wham song "Club Tropicana" and then wanting to do a duet with Matt of Censored of "Wake me up before You Go Go".  They ended up cover "Sunny Afternoon" by the Kinks.
    The Crooks were up next and blew me away as always and I could not help thinking why there were not more people there to see them.  Personally my fav Crooks song is "Little White Sheep".  Must have them back soon.
    Censored then came on playing slightly earlier and of course mesmerised the "Censored Barmy Army" and were on top form again tonight.  "Your Eyes are made of Gold" was a super dedication, but think that my current fav is "When You Come Along" (but that will probably change by next week!!).
    Up last were London boys Eddyfink who came highly recommended and I could see why.  I totally love Andy's voice and their songs had my feet tapping and me wanting to dance.  Loved "In for me" and found this song sticking in my head for days afterwards.  New Single "Immuno" is also fab and due for release 1st Feb.  Kate and I chatted to Andy, Martin, Jonathan and Michael in car park for ages afterwards and I liked them and their music so much that they are returning for January Great Escape so make sure you come and see them then!

    Friday, 24th November
    This night was opened by Paul Herron of The Sons.  He played acoustically and his songs were awesome but made all the more special by his hillarious tales in between.  He was very impressed when Helen and I requested "Pigface".  Ask for the reason sometime :o)  He loved playing and we loved having him. 
    Next up were Southampton band Recreation that played for me earlier in the year at Purple Turtle in Camden.  Simon and the boys drove all the way to be part of our evening and boy did the crowd love them!  I got a personal dedication of "Please don't Leave" and I also loved "Falling". 
    The Four Last Things then opened up their set acoustically with a special song just for me "Gotta Live" which is very Pearljam'esq and its my new fav.  Will try to put video here, but it might not work so search youtube for roadmutha.  They played a few new songs and despite Rob not enjoying himself much I thought they were pretty amazing.
    Up next were Nottingham band Euler and first thing I thought when I saw Wes was how much he reminded me of Glenn of 45 Rebellion.  Their stage antics were similar and they even look alike.  Nice lively performance and I have to make sure to check these guys out again.
    Censored took stage to mad applayse from the Barmy Army and again were doing what they do best - ENTERTAIN!!  I can't remember the songs or the set list as I was part way through Censored tour and had Censored overload.  But rest assured they were as good as ever.
    Lots of silly pictures after...
    Not to mention house party at ours afterwards....

    Xmas Xtravaganza - Thursday, 21st December
    A night that seemed destined for disaster with the withdrawel of 2 of the bands and one other not having finally confirmed.  But good old friend Richard Snow offered to step in and do an acoustic set at the last minute.

    I must admit I was a tad worried when at 8pm there was nobody downstairs, even though we sold more than 100 tickets.  But then a bus pulled in from Ilkeston and Junktion 7 came to life with loads of Barmy Army in fancy dress and all looking very Xmassy.  Here are some pics of those who made an effort.
    First up was Will Jeffrey who for me has one hell of a voice.  I sometimes find it hard to believe that this voice comes out of that man.  He played a spectacular set and chances were that he was gonna have to play again later (if only to fill time).
    Next up was The 45 Rebellion who were on top form tonight and their songs were enjoyed by all.  Loved all the old favs but personally enjoyed "Stay Calm".  Best of a bad bunch of pics, if only some people would stand still on stage!
    Richard Snow then took the stage with Matt of Censored to do a rare cover of the Stone Roses classic "Waterfall".  I have a video of this rare moment and will try and upload it.  This was followed by another song and for the life of me I can't remember.  Richard then sang "Silent Girlfriend" before calling Helen up on stage to join him with a cover of Crowded House song "Weather with You".  Again look out for the video...
    Well biggest surprise of the night was in the shape of Santa (aka Nathan Clarke) and Frosty the Snowman (aka Chris Goring).  What outfits!!
    Tried my best to get some pictures whilst the Censored boys were playing but this proved nigh on impossible.  They were on fire and I think its one of the best performances I have seen this year.  You could hardly see them on the stage for the fans.
    Best moment of the evening was the stage invasion during "Shake", what a finale and a fitting end to an amazing year of Great Escape Events.
    I have begged Nathan Clarke to do acoustic set and finally managed to get him on stage singing some Ocean Colour Scene, Bob Dylan and Matt joined him for some other old Censored classics.  Also joining them was Ben Haynes (45 Rebellion guitarist) on drums.
    Then Ben took over and sang some Christmas Classics convincing me to join him on stage for what I thought was "Fairytale of New York" to find it was "Do They Know Its Christmas".  I so sucked at that one, not that Fairytale was any better, but at least I knew it and this is the point where I pray no one has it on video!!!
    Will Jeffrey did not want to come back on stage he reckons he is too drunk, but I think he is just lovesick...
    Its is now midnight and no bugger wants to go home but sadly its curfew.  This is a pic taken after last orders of people left in Junktion 7.
    I wanna say thanks to Censored boys for being absolute stars and the flowers were lovely too.  Thanks to all the bands that have played this year and the ones joining us in the future.  Thanks to everyone that has come along this year and especially those who have been to every one. 
    Including these Starscreen boys :o)
    Next Great Escape is 27th January and its an "All-Dayer" for Charity featuring minimum 10 bands.  So make sure you get your ticket early on.
    Happy New Year!!!

Friday 15 December 2006

CancerBacup Ice Ball - 7th Dec 2006

Well its been a week since the Ice Ball and to be honest most of this week I have been spending time reflecting on life, love and the universe. 

To be honest I was not looking forward to the Ice Ball very much but felt honoured that I was invited so went none the less.  Left Derby late after being stuck in traffic for an eternity.  Then made our way down the M1 in the driving rain only for my alternator to fail at Hemel Hempstead and we got towed to nearest garage.

Its now past 6pm and the Champagne Reception is scheduled for 7.30pm and we still have to get to London.  Finally after less than useless service from Green Flag, the Recovery company recovered my car via London to Nottingham for a mere £60.  We arrived at hotel in Bayswater at 7.50pm thanks to some super driving from Recovery man.  Got dressed and hopped in taxi at 8.05pm to Mayfair.  Got to Grosvenor Square Marriott Hotel (which incidently is NOT on Grosvenor Square) at 8.20pm.  I was waiting in lobby whilst Phil went to cash point.  We were greeted and showed to our table.  Sat down at 8.30pm and first course was put in front of us.  Phew!!  Against all odds we actually made it!!

Few huge glasses of red wine later, we met with some lovely people.  Many of whom are in similar position to myself and others who are much worse off.  Two ladies at our table really made an impression on me and I would so very much like to help them.
Both Shona Masters and Tracey Sturgeon have suffered with breast cancer and have had mastectomies this year.  Shona is the brains behind an amazing project for breast cancer awareness and also to raise money for Cancerbackup.  A naked calendar featuring women who have all suffered with breast cancer bodypainted very artistically, check out and buy a calendar!!

Tracey Sturgeon on the other hand whilst also featuring in this calendar, has written a song called "Find the Cure" to hear the song and see some of the calendar in the making

Next up a lady went up and told her story about suffering from stomach cancer.  She talked of the love and support of her family and Cancerbackup but also mentioned how she had to have her stomach removed this week.  Well she was borderline crying whilst talking and at this point the floodgates opened and I found myself crying like a baby.

You know whilst it sometimes feels that life could be better, there is always someone worse off than what we are.  I keep trying to tell myself this whilst I prepare myself as much as I can for my latest test results on Tuesday.

Ok will try and do some more blogs, will it be The Crimea, Censored Tour, Iceland Part 2 or Tenacious D?? 

Sunday 12 November 2006

Roadmutha finally hits the road with Censored ;o)

Ok I know you are all expecting Part 2 of Iceland but that will have to wait whilst I share yesterday with you.

I bought a bus off ebay for Censored Club NME tour and we picked it up in sunny Sheffield yesterday morning.  Ok so it was windy and bloody cold but the bus seemed to be all it needed to be.  Parky was born, she is a 12 seater Renault Traffic and she is a she because she is reliable!

It was only fitting that we ended up in Sheffield for the first date of this tour at Bar Matrix.  We got a little lost on the way as none of us had proper directions.  Matt had a little map that was no use nor ornament but after asking someone we were soon on track and arrived at venue a few minutes late. What a lovely posh looking little venue and I was quite excited about the night.

Venue was in two parts and there was a school reunion going on next door and people were in and out all the time as the toilets were through our part of the venue.  First band was crap so I am not even going to look up their name!!  Second band on was called Sikora and I really enjoyed this Italian front man's voice.  Music was mostly kind of bluesy and it was very good.  Perfect opener for Censored.

Censored were met by quite a few fans old and new and some that saw them at Leeds Festival this summer.  There were a good few people in at this stage and it was set for a perfect show.  The setlist showed 10 songs and the boys opened with "When You Come Along", this was follwed by "Life" and "Play the Game" and I got a rare and long over due dedication of "Johnny Boy" I love that song it really gets me dancing.  They played "Your Eyes are made of Gold", "All You Got to do is Ask", "Get it on" and finished the night on "Shake". 
The Pictures are not so great, but here goes. 
Next lot are picies of fans new and old :o)
I am not sure what is going on in this pic pehaps Matt and Adam would like to explain???
And Finally the first "official" picture of us by our newest purchase Parky at motorway services 3am :o)
Apparently the next picture says it all!!
Tuesday we are off to Huddersfield for first Club NME date and anyone wanting to join us please get in touch.

Any suggestions for "pimping our ride" most welcome....a

Thursday 9 November 2006

Iceland Part 1 - The Scenery

Ok finally realised that this wonderful long weekend is going to take more than one blog, so will show you the site in Part 1 and then cover the music and fun in Part 2 :o)

Day 1 - Reyjkavik
The Harbour and the only train in Iceland (why are there no trains Kate?)

Main Shopping Street and view from very huge hill I had to climb to get to the church.

Halmskirke or something like that with a statue of Leifer "......sson"

Luckily there was a lift to get to the top of the steeple and loads of magnificent views.

Great scenery of capital city and second pic is our hotel.

And some more.....

Day 2 - Excursion to Kerio Crater, Geysir and Guilfoss Waterfall
Kerio Crater (well second pic, first one just looked nice and it was right next door)

Geysirs with first one being "Little Geysir" and it bubbling up close.

Next is Strokkur before and after gushing!

Guilfoss Waterfalls which as Kate says was the only time we were cold.  As you can see it directly comes from the longest glacier in Iceland.  I managed to get quite a good picture of it.

Magnificent breathtaking (bloody cold) waterfall.

Day 3 - The Blue Lagoon
You arrive to what can only be described as barren lava land as first pic shows to beautiful blue lagoon with slimy mud and lovely milky blue water.

Kate Relaxing in first pic and second one showed the natural spring in the middle of the lagoon that generates geothermal heat.

Only pool I have ever seen a lifeguard where hi vis jacket, gloves and hat

We had such fun :o)

Short and sweet and to the point.  Now the lengthy one on the music starts...."Oh my God I can't believe it" - its 4.30am.  Nite x