Friday 15 December 2006

CancerBacup Ice Ball - 7th Dec 2006

Well its been a week since the Ice Ball and to be honest most of this week I have been spending time reflecting on life, love and the universe. 

To be honest I was not looking forward to the Ice Ball very much but felt honoured that I was invited so went none the less.  Left Derby late after being stuck in traffic for an eternity.  Then made our way down the M1 in the driving rain only for my alternator to fail at Hemel Hempstead and we got towed to nearest garage.

Its now past 6pm and the Champagne Reception is scheduled for 7.30pm and we still have to get to London.  Finally after less than useless service from Green Flag, the Recovery company recovered my car via London to Nottingham for a mere £60.  We arrived at hotel in Bayswater at 7.50pm thanks to some super driving from Recovery man.  Got dressed and hopped in taxi at 8.05pm to Mayfair.  Got to Grosvenor Square Marriott Hotel (which incidently is NOT on Grosvenor Square) at 8.20pm.  I was waiting in lobby whilst Phil went to cash point.  We were greeted and showed to our table.  Sat down at 8.30pm and first course was put in front of us.  Phew!!  Against all odds we actually made it!!

Few huge glasses of red wine later, we met with some lovely people.  Many of whom are in similar position to myself and others who are much worse off.  Two ladies at our table really made an impression on me and I would so very much like to help them.
Both Shona Masters and Tracey Sturgeon have suffered with breast cancer and have had mastectomies this year.  Shona is the brains behind an amazing project for breast cancer awareness and also to raise money for Cancerbackup.  A naked calendar featuring women who have all suffered with breast cancer bodypainted very artistically, check out and buy a calendar!!

Tracey Sturgeon on the other hand whilst also featuring in this calendar, has written a song called "Find the Cure" to hear the song and see some of the calendar in the making

Next up a lady went up and told her story about suffering from stomach cancer.  She talked of the love and support of her family and Cancerbackup but also mentioned how she had to have her stomach removed this week.  Well she was borderline crying whilst talking and at this point the floodgates opened and I found myself crying like a baby.

You know whilst it sometimes feels that life could be better, there is always someone worse off than what we are.  I keep trying to tell myself this whilst I prepare myself as much as I can for my latest test results on Tuesday.

Ok will try and do some more blogs, will it be The Crimea, Censored Tour, Iceland Part 2 or Tenacious D?? 

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