Sunday 12 November 2006

Roadmutha finally hits the road with Censored ;o)

Ok I know you are all expecting Part 2 of Iceland but that will have to wait whilst I share yesterday with you.

I bought a bus off ebay for Censored Club NME tour and we picked it up in sunny Sheffield yesterday morning.  Ok so it was windy and bloody cold but the bus seemed to be all it needed to be.  Parky was born, she is a 12 seater Renault Traffic and she is a she because she is reliable!

It was only fitting that we ended up in Sheffield for the first date of this tour at Bar Matrix.  We got a little lost on the way as none of us had proper directions.  Matt had a little map that was no use nor ornament but after asking someone we were soon on track and arrived at venue a few minutes late. What a lovely posh looking little venue and I was quite excited about the night.

Venue was in two parts and there was a school reunion going on next door and people were in and out all the time as the toilets were through our part of the venue.  First band was crap so I am not even going to look up their name!!  Second band on was called Sikora and I really enjoyed this Italian front man's voice.  Music was mostly kind of bluesy and it was very good.  Perfect opener for Censored.

Censored were met by quite a few fans old and new and some that saw them at Leeds Festival this summer.  There were a good few people in at this stage and it was set for a perfect show.  The setlist showed 10 songs and the boys opened with "When You Come Along", this was follwed by "Life" and "Play the Game" and I got a rare and long over due dedication of "Johnny Boy" I love that song it really gets me dancing.  They played "Your Eyes are made of Gold", "All You Got to do is Ask", "Get it on" and finished the night on "Shake". 
The Pictures are not so great, but here goes. 
Next lot are picies of fans new and old :o)
I am not sure what is going on in this pic pehaps Matt and Adam would like to explain???
And Finally the first "official" picture of us by our newest purchase Parky at motorway services 3am :o)
Apparently the next picture says it all!!
Tuesday we are off to Huddersfield for first Club NME date and anyone wanting to join us please get in touch.

Any suggestions for "pimping our ride" most welcome....a

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