Monday 31 July 2006

Oxegen Festival - 8th & 9th July 06 - About 4 weeks overdue!

Made my way to Ireland by train and left a beautifully sunny and warm UK behind. 
Was met at the boat by Mick and we arrived at Punchestown Racecourse on the Friday night to set up camp.  Have you ever tried to pitch a new tent in the dark?   This was not easy and not helped much by the winds, but we got there in the end.  Sleeping of course was not possible with 14 year olds setting fire to tents and lots of drunk people, well I expected the drunk people.

Woke up following morning cold, tired and aching after very uncomfortable night's almost sleep.  But after some breakfast felt a bit more human.  We made our way to the Arena and first up was Sandi Thom on the Main Stage.  This was quite a surreal moment for me as it was packed and I remember when Sandi's gigs were really intimate.

During Sandi's performance the heavens opened up and it was raining horizontally with gale forced winds at the same time.  So we headed indoors and the New Band Stage won for me.  Where I caught a very lively performance of Paulo Nutini which was first time I have seen this young Scotsman.  He was described to me as the Scotish James Blunt only less depressing.  I thoroughly enjoyed this and was almost happy the rain drove me inside.

Next up was The Upper Room whom I saw a few times when Newsum Turn were supporting them on the last tour.  I do like the music and it was nice to hear something familiar.  The lads went down well in their first Irish performance.

Now the next band was called Fear of Music and what an apt name.  They obviously had a fear as they were not making any music...ooh I am such a biatch!!

I am now poised up front and waiting for the highlight of the festival. Never more delighted that these guys are not on the Main Stage (outside) where they belong.  The Crimea came on stage and it was bloody amazing.  I was singing to every song.  "Opposite Ends" was a really great start to the set, this was followed by their cover of Fleetwood Mac and I love "Everywhere" anyway.  Ok we had "Baby Boom", "White Russian Galaxy", and a supremely emotional version of "Opposite Ends" it made me come over all emotional.  I got a set list too which made me very happy.
Not sure what happened in this pic, but it looks kind of cool :o)

I think myspace is thinking of did but I won this time - so I will carry on.
Next up were a nice treat in the shape of The Maccabees, not the kind of thing I would usually like but it was great and thorougly entertaining.  The leadsinger also wore a nice cardigan.

Not a huge fan of Lily Allen it was time to vacate and find something else.  Thus walking past the main stage with Hard Fi on it towards the Green Room.

Was gutted to find that Gomez was well into their set as I was really looking forward to them.  The place was so packed that you could not even see them.  We only managed to catch last couple of songs but thankfully they ended up with "Whipping Picadilly" which is an awesome song!

At that point I was so cold and soaked that I just wanted to go back to the tent.  We ended up buying 3 more blankets as I could not get warm.  The likes of The Strokes, James Brown and The Who sounded great from the tent.  I just could not get the will to face the elements again.

Day 2

God this is taking forever...lets just do pictures :o)

Bands I saw

Maximo Park, Manu Chao, Bell X1 (pic below)

Placebo, Gemma Hayes, Hope of the States (pic below)


Kaiser Chiefs

Franz Ferdinand

The Bedioun Soundclash (great surprise)

After this went on the Ferris Wheel and got some pics of campsite and stage before realising Paul Weller was on stage.

Paul Weller on the NME Stage was probably the best performance of the weekend for me as I have never been a huge fan but it was truly amazing. I did not recognise many of the songs but he is a true showman.  Hated the Style Council so was quite delighted he did not do any of the songs.  Loved "You do something to me" and he finished on "A Town Called Malice" .  Below is also my best picture of the festival. 

We then watched the last 20 minutes of The Red Hot Chilli Peppers on the Main Stage which included all the songs of theirs I knew so that was good, but also not a huge fan of theirs.  Why did it not rain the 2nd day instead??
Took some other photos including this one for spell mad Helen...

And this very artistic one....

Monday 24 July 2006

Snow Patrol @ Rock City - 16th July 2006

Ok so I know this is a bit later than anticipated but "....I dont quite know to say how I feel..." It has also been some busy week since Snow Patrol including mini irish tour (which I will blog later).  Not to mention starting another course of chemo last Tuesday.  So I had been feeling like I had been hit by a bus before sitting in a hash den for a couple of hours.....Imagine!

The whole Snow Patrol weekend was enjoyable and started off in fine fettle by a little roadtrip to Cambridge with my newest gig buddies Graeme and Dave of twenty5stories.  Well they were a bit upset that Newsum Turn did not play Bar V a few weeks ago so I offered to take them to Cambridge and it was great to see them enjoy it as much as they did.  NST were fabulous of course but the best bit of the night was the pizza, it was the biggest, nicest, spiciest pizza I have ever had and was loved by all.  Road home took a little longer as anticipated as we went via Loughborough to drop Carl's tickets for Sunday and then got a little lost around Derby (these guys are supposed to live in Derby) and the reckon women are bad at navigating?  Have we ever got lost Helen??

Saturday night saw Flowerpot and I going for some more quality live music and thoroughly enjoyed Lester Norton and twenty5stories just got me nicely in the mood for the following day.  Was lovely just to sit back and relax and enjoy the evening without being actively involved.

Sunday morning, the day has finally arrived and Flowerpot woke me up with some breakfast, nice croissants with bacon and cheese and she was adamant I eat as it would probable be the only meal of the day.  So that was yummy, thanks mate. 

Arrived at Rock City for about noon, where set up was already in progress.  I met with Bob, the production manager and he took me to the office to meet with George, Snow Patrol production manager.  George was very friendly and hugs were shared of course.  He told me how much Gary and the guys were looking forward to seeing me again and playing the gig.  I then asked him if he could arrange a request for me, well more for Luke and he then phoned Gary and told me they would play "You are my Joy". 

People starting to arrive in drips and drabs and I was surrounded by band members, some I have not seen for a while, friends and volunteers.  Everybody helping out towards one main goal with the Cancerbackup ladies recruiting help as well.

I went outside around 3pm and there were already fans sitting on the steps and as these were obviously the die-hard Snow Patrol fans I handed out some aftershow bands as its the least I could have done.

The afternoon flew by and before we knew, it was time for doors at 5pm and people started flooding in.  15 minutes later when Censored took to the stage we had about 800 people in the venue.  Censored truly rocked the joint and it was the best I had ever seen them play. Obviously these young guys are made for the big stage.  Being a busy bee only saw a couple of songs but managed to catch my dedication of "Your eyes are made of Gold" thanks Matt.  They crowd responded really well and it was a great opening to a fab night.

Sadly got caught up in organising and missed most of Richard Snow and the Inlaws set.  But in the hallway could hear it well and they sounded really good with some more fab crowd response.  I remember smiling when "Expectations" played as I was telling the guys at the merch stall about that song.  It sounded really good Richard I think its really grown on me.

All work delegated I managed to make my way to the front of the stage and sat on the barrier for The Warm.  I saw this band the first time in January play in London with Ben Dlugokecki and they blew me away then.  Seen them a few times more but this was the best by far.  Nick dedicated their newest tune to me but final song "Swim" totally engulfed me in goosebumps and was song of their performance for me.

Next up was Dlugokecki with full band, encompassing Cello, keyboards which is so apparent in the newest of the recordings.  Only been privy to the full band set up once before and loved it totally.  Ben brought a huge support crowed on a coach from Southampton but I am sure managed to make many a new fan on the night.  I loved "Perfectionistical" and "Insecure" and was a bit miffed when I saw that "Barricades" was crossed off the set list!!  I will forgive him just this once the angel-voiced mad man :o)

During Ben's set there was quite a few things happening as I had heard that Sandi Thom was running late and was stuck in traffic and still 38 miles away.  So had to get Newsum Turnready asap.  Also during that time Snow Patrol arrived and I found myself watching Gary and Tom playing football in the car park before joining them for all of 2 minutes.  Was nice to share some hugs and talk of the night. 

I heard NST were going on stage so ran back inside to take it all in.  They opened up with "Broken" and had the crowd mesmerised from start to end.  I was always right that these guys are made for the big stage and they so blew me away! Was great to see the tremendous crowd reaction and people clapping along during the chorus of "Wanting More" made me very happy and proud to see.  Gary and Nathan of Snow Patrol watched some of the performance along with Sandi who was standing next to me in the crowd.

Sandi Thom was on next and the crowd gave her an immense welcome as I think they did not expect any other well-known artist on the bill.  Sandi kindly came straight from the Big Hands Festival in Manchester as my cause was very close to her heart and she wanted to play.  I have seen her many times and sadly missed most of this performance due to talking to Snow Patrol about NST and Story One.  I was telling Gary that Story One was the band I wrote to him about in the first instance regarding possible support slots.  He came out and watched some of Sandi Thom and I also saw him in the distance during Story One.

Finally the turn of Story One and myself, The Hull Massif and Tommy took our places on the front railing to see our favourite band.  It seemed like such a long time now since we seen them and I personally loved it.  "Disposable" always blows me away but also enjoyed "AM 180" and "Count to 3".  Story One also informed the crowd that they were giving away their debut album for free on 1st August so go to and download it for FREE its immense and you will love it!

As Story One came off stage George came over to me and told me they had to drop my request from the set list as the band had not rehearsed it and Gary planned on doing it acoustically but then they realised all the acoustic stuff had been sent to Australia already.  I was a bit disappointed of course, but in the grand scheme of things.I have Snow Patrol.what more could a girl want?!

An very excited crowed exploded when Snow Patrol took the stage and I had to stand back for a minute as it was a most overwhelming site for me.  I found myself looking at the crowd more than the band and it was so satisfying seeing so many people enjoy themselves.

Moment of the night was the fabulous crowd sing a long during "Chasing Cars" wow that so blew me away.  Also loved my dedication from Gary of "Chocolate" it was really sweet.  A few songs later nearly died when Gary called me up on stage to say my thanks.  I had expected to do that at the end and was really caught off guard.  

The show continued with more great songs mainly from the Final Straw and Eyes Open albums.  Including an epic rendition of "Run" which is such a timeless song.  The Snow Patrol encore consisted of "Open your Eyes" and "Tiny Little Fractures".  What a night indeed, Gary and the rest of the band were enjoying it so much and the buzzing atmosphere in Rock City is indescribable.  Those who were there will know what I am talking about.

After the show went downstairs with my kids to introduce them to the band.  There was lots of banter and laughs going on and people were joking how they had never seen me lost for words before.  But the funniest thing was the faces as I announced that I had missed my opportunity to crowd surf!  I dont think they realise how serious I am about this.

It was great hugging the band and saying thank you and at this point I still did not cry.  I was just caught up in the moment despite my thinking I would be a bit tearful for most of it.

Sadly Snow Patrol had to go and did not show at the aftershow and whilst saying my goodbyes I missed Big Cats Kills performance at the aftershow. But I heard it was great and they also have a single out for Macmillan Cancer Trust, so make sure you buy your copy

Managed to get there in time for The Stawls whom I love dearly and I maintain that if I did not discover these guys too late they would have been part of the main show as they thoroughly deserve to be.  Loved "Jetpack" and "High on Life" but dedication of "Fall" was just super thanks Rob.  They were loved by the crowd and people are still talking.

At this point I asked Rob if we could borrow his acoustic so Luke can do a performance of Embrace's "Fireworks".  It took some persuading for Luke to do this and it was fab and made the night for me.  Everybody stood up near the stage and he launched straight into a chorus of "Run" afterwards and everybody was singing and clapping.  It was great fun!

Next up was twenty5stories who thoroughly rocked The Basement.  Sadly everybody seemed to be flagging at this time as it had been a long day, so I sat in the foyer resting my feet for most of it, but still enjoyed.  Especially loved "Fast Becoming", "Subterraneo" and of course "Sneakers" (even without piano ;o))  Thanks guys!

Again after some serious persuasion and emotional blackmail I managed to get Tom of Story One to take the stage and do a French version of "Disposable".  We borrowed Ross acoustic and Barney sat down and played whilst Tom sang.  Now this should have been a beautiful moment, with a beautiful song in a beautiful language, but it ended up being the funniest thing I have ever seen.  Tom could barely stand up let alone sing and it was hilarious, still hoping for someone to send me that on video so I can post it here

Last up was The 45 Rebellion and I wanna thank these guys for taking the dead slot as everybody seemed knackered at this point in time.  I made everyone come back into the room and give the guys the attention and respect they deserve.  A wonderful set from the guys that had us all rocking and perfect end to a perfect day.

I want to thank everyone who came on the night for supporting my cause.  Every nice text, comment, email and words I have received before, on and since this night.  It has bowled me over and people are so kind.  You have all helped to make this a night to remember for as long as I live.

Well anyone that knows me, will vouch for the fact that  never do anything by half!  This and other nights have proved that.  But there are so many people that deserve thanks for their help on the night and they are in no particular order.

SNOW PATROL (band and crew) whose kindness and generosity is unforgettable and these guys will always have a special place in my heart.

Censored Matt, Nathan & Chris
Richard Snow plus his Inlaws Phil and Justin
The Warm Nick, Stu, Simmo and Boyd
Dlugokecki Ben, Marie, Aidan, Loz, Andy and Boyd
Sandi Thom plus Marcus and Craig
Newsum Turn Luke, Neal, Chris, Ali and Andy
Story One Tom, G, Barney and Mike
Big Cats Kill Ami and Tim
The Stawls Rob, Andy, Danny, Stew and Neil
Twenty5stories Ross, Dave, Gaz and Graeme
The 45 Rebellion Glenn, Ben, Dave and Frazer

Helen my mate and roadbuddy for being there and giving me tons of moral support :o)

Kudos to Tom Andrews, Scot Cook and The Hull Massif for coming early and helping out and manning the merch stall for most of the evening.

Sally thank you for your design prowess and for making me some super cool band passes. Glad you did not peak to soon this time and that you loved Story One and Censored.

Mike thanks for your continued support and help and for handing out passes and generally running around and sorting things that needed to be done.  Oh yes and for moral support and hugs of plenty.

Thanks to Andy and colleagues for shooting this amazing night and I cannot wait to see the DVD so I can watch it over and over again remembering it forever.

Flowerpot my mate, thanks for always being there and for putting up with me during the shitty times with chemo and everything else live throws at us.  Glad you loved the night and enjoyed it with your mates.

There are loads of others and if I forgot to mention you by name, it does not mean that I dont love you.  I just have a shockingly crap memory!  But thank you none the less.

I want to extend my thanks to Rock City and especially Bob for taking such good care of me and Anton for being my first point of contact and helping me to sort this out.  I think I must have hugged the entire crew, staff, security, bands and just about every second person in the venue on the night.  But it was cool!

Sunday, 16th July will go down in my mind as one of the best days of my life.  It took a bit of work but for such huge rewards and it has made me the happiest person alive.  I will keep you informed about final total once I sort the settlement with Rock City.  Apart from great live music, if you want to take something else from this nightin the words of Story One "....all you got to do is believe, you can be anything you wanna be....."

For this and everything else to come - I am grateful.

Margi x

Ps:  Feel free to leave some more photos or links to your own blogs of the night.  The ones I include are done by fellow Story One and Newsum Turn fan Carl Mee.

PPS:  I went to see Richard Snow the Monday following this gig and as I reached to hug him I got this pain from my elbow to my shoulders.  Muscle strain from all the hugging - who the hell would have thought that this was possible!!!??? 

Thank you everybody and if you did not get a hug, drag yourself to Junktion 7 on Friday, 28th, but hopefully you have a ticket as we are all sold out :o)

PPPS:  Is this the longest blog in history????