Saturday 1 July 2006

Collective Soul @ Manchester Academy - 30 Jun 06

This date has been in my calendar for so long as I have waited 8 long years to see these guys live.  But last minute had nobody to go with and nearly did not go.  On my way to Manchester I collected old friend Shaun and it was great to see him again and to be able to share this wonderful night with him. 

Opening band Gledhill started things off magnificently and I have found another great band I want to follow around the country.  Loved every song, but one that stood out for me was their last single called "Remain", the guitars in this song is great and it changes tempo and sort of transports you.  Also loved "Roots", a song about being proud where you are from.  They finished off with "Good Times Ahead" - great for singing along, well when I learn the words. 
Had to go and get an album, talked to Dave and Tom afterwards, got some hugs.  Not stopped listening to album since.  Last song on there is so beautiful its called "There is always Tomorrow" - and there certainly is!  Where you guys playing today?  In London with the mighty Collective Soul.  Roadtrip anyone?

Collective Soul has entered the building and Ed Roland has taken the stage....
Gig no 95 this year and the best one so far!!!  Ed Roland is a true showman and his huge vocal ability brought every single song of theirs to life.  I was not able to stand still for a  single moment!  I also found him to be very humble, overwhelmed and well grateful and that was so endearing to see.  Not to mention the rest of the guys, Dean, Ryan, Will and Joel - mega Phwoarrr! 

Dean Roland

Joel Kosche

Will Turpin

Ryan Hoyle

Music wise, they sang everything you could possible ask for (with the exception of my fav song) but its ok I loved it all the same.  We had "How do you love", "Under Heaven Skies", "Gel", "December" and the crowd participation during "Run" was tremendous.
Ed singing into the crowd during "Home"

Loved the two new songs first one was a song called "Today" and the other was one that Ed wrote for their mother called "Good Morning Afterall".  Can't wait to buy those!

Ok at this point now I am sweating like you wont believe, as I have not danced this much in a very long time.  Also its not everyday the frontman jumps into the crowd and dances with the fans, without security.  Was really awesome to see.  Did not get pic of that but I think the dancing made Ed a bit hot too....

Amazingly, wonderful, superbly breathtaking performance by Collective Soul.  Just don't leave touring so long again guys!

PS:  We are back to the curly/floppy haired frontman thing....well somethings never change :o)

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