Monday 25 September 2006

Exciting times and distinct lack of blogging activity!

Well I have been busier than I have ever been recently and I am definitely not complaining.  I just feel rather bad that I have not been keeping up with the old blogging from time to time. 

One blog I will do later tonight is The Crimea from last weekend as I want to tell everyone what an amazing night I had and of course post some rather lovely pictures.
There is a lot of excitement going on as I have managed to book another couple of biggies for my charity, but again this is a bloody waiting game so I can't tell you who they are yet.  But we have at least 3 big gigs to look forward to, hopefully by the end of the year.

Then there is also next year's amazing festival and after really productive meeting with my fellow committee members last Sunday, I am all the more positive that its going to happen and that it will be a success.

Its also 5 days to go to my first Great Escape night at Junktion 7 with my friendsCensored.  This night will of course offer you only the very best in music, atmosphere and hugs (if I like you).  First night's line up include an acoustic set from Mint IveThe DisplacementsThe Four Last Things and Starscreen.  Saturday at Junktion 7 will be absolutely packed so if you want to come and see the bands I suggest you get there for doors at 8pm.  Entry will be £4 before 9pm and £5 after.

However, before Saturday comes friday which is going to be action packed at the Vic Inn in Derby, featuring twenty5storiesCensoredZamoranoThe Crooks andthebacharakfightclub

Then there is Sunday at the Firebug in Leicester but will let you know about that probably tomorrow.  Followed closely by the Oxjam gig at Junktion 7 on Weds, 4th Oct again details tomorrow.

Ok I've bored myself now.

BTW - I am going to Iceland with Kate - WOO HOO!!!

Sunday 10 September 2006

The Four Last Things @ The Three Cocks - 9 Sep 06

Bon Soir
This is a joint blog effort with the Flowerpot and I, putting down our experience of an entertaining even involving more than one cock - and that is the just the venue!
Arrived in sunny Kettering and Flowerpot spotted The Three Cocks (coz she is that kind of girl!) and one of them was standing outside, opposite Morrisons (more reasons......)
Food was on the agenda, but after some liquid satisfaction int he form of Strongbow - the food of kings....and queens.  We settled for a bag of crisps each as the company was satisfying enough!

I introduced Flowerpot to Scott, Ewen, Rob and Keith and we sat there during soundcheck of other bands first and then The Four Last Things and they sounded very good....she was still sober at this time! 

We were handed the setlist before the guys went on stage and was asked to score their performance and pick the songs we like best.  Well this was quite easy to begin with but got a little bit harder as there are so many good tunes to choose from.  Favourite of the night for both of us was "Anything Goes" we also loved "You don't believe a word I say", "Bad Time To Trick Me" and "Dazed and Confused" ok there were others but I have had a few glasses now and I can't really remember.

Great performance and that was just the start of a really randomly funny evening.  The second band - hmmm less said the better but I think this pic shows it all. 

I have never actually fallen asleep from boredom before.  And Flowerpot just thought they were pants and not any pants big huge elasticated white Y-Fronts!!!
We spotted alco Ewen is drinking again...

We had a girl showing us her sun tan

Keith looks permanently petrified...or deranged as some might think!

Frontman caught attempting to load in the back of the van...

Gunner Girl Flowerpot met Ashley Cole - we knew he left Arsenal for Chelsea but obviously ended up working in a pub in Kettering.  Chelsea my arse!!!

Rob also alledgedly had a sore back along with his apparent sore throat and Flowerpot gave him a massage (after he refused one from me and I am still sulking about this)
As for Scott, he is just blabbered down the microphone without anyone understanding what he is saying.  And in pic he looks one who has just smelt shit.

Met some lovely people including Tania and Foggy (a motorbike racing driver) how cool are we??

We have now invited the guys for tea on Tuesday (FOOLS!!!) and we will try our best not to poison them.

So to sum it all up we had a ball going down in
TWO of us
To the THREE Cocks
To see The FOUR Last Things
And only had FIVE pints of Strongbow (ok and some JD)
And we slept until SIX this evening.

Euo sono umbracio cuminaire...

Ciao for now :)

Wednesday 6 September 2006

What kind of seducer am I?

"Mindless Blogging ala Kate"
This is spot on of course :o)  I am sooo innocent !
Your Seduction Style: Au Natural
You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.

Friday 1 September 2006


Well its just over two week's notice for those of you who have not got your tickets for this event. 

Information can now be found on

Anyone that knows me will vouch for how much I rave about The Crimea  and I am absolutely delighted that they are going to play this show for my charity.

We have decided an all-dayer might be a bit much so have opted for 3 support acts which are:
The Four Last Things -
Tickets are a mere £7.50 and proceeds go to

Also there is a chance to see ist tonight at The Firebug in Leicester, so get there for about 8pm and come and enjoy ist and all the other bands incl Baby Strange, Censored and Starscreen