Thursday 3 January 2013

My Top Gigs of 2012

Since James published his top 10, I have thought of little else. Its been that hard that I can't decide on my No.1 so its a tie for top spot.

Here is my selection for 2012.

1.   Sun 4th Nov -  Brian Houston & Robert Vincent at The Empire Music Hall, Belfast (1st time seeing BH + band and RV solo)

Robert Vincent & Brian Houston

Robert Vincent @ Empire Music Hall

Brian Houston & The Red Horses

1.   Sat 1st Dec -  Dlugokecki, The Warm & Recreation at The Talking Heads, Southampton 

The Warm @ Talking Heads

Dlugokecki @ Talking Heads

Recreation @ Talking Heads

Ant of Recreation and his lovely bass!

Mostly drunk.....

3.  Tue 27th Nov -  Robert Vincent, Emma Stevens & Berenice Scott at the Stables in Milton Keynes

Berenice Scott @ The Stables

Emma Stevens @ The Stables

Life in Easy Steps

4.  Sat 2nd June -  Robin Auld & Albert Frost at The Adam & Eve, Lincoln

5.  Sun 20th May -  Eskimo Blonde at Eric's, Liverpool (part of the IPO)

6.  Tue 11th Sep - Dave McPherson & Robert Vincent (joined by Michael Gay on guitar) at Fibbers, York

7.  Fri 10th Aug - Paul Carrack & Robert Vincent at The Picturedrome, Holmfirth

Paul Carrack @ Picturedrome

Watching Paul Carrack after excellent performance!

8. Thu 19th Jan - Toploader at The Rescue Rooms, Nottingham

9. Sun 20th May - Major Major at The Cavern Club (part of IPO)

10.  Fri 28th Sep - Robert Vincent, Anna Corcoran & Amy Condrey at The Foxlowe, Leek

Thanks to anyone whom I have managed to drag to a gig and also those who weremore than willing.  Thanks esp to Lynn Barnard who probably joined me for the bulk of the gigs mentioned above. 

2013 is going to be mega busy and I can't wait!!!

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