Saturday 30 March 2013

Istanbul Day 1 - 28th March 2013

First morning in hotel we were served a rather weird b/fast – borek, s/age in sauce, weird salad type things, cold meat, salami, cheese and soft cheese.  Dried figs, apricot and sultanas with yoghurt.  Some dodgy somewhat dry cakes. Watery cranberry? Squash or very strong orange squash, strong coffee.

We then headed to Sultanamhet Square but queues very long for Haghia Sofia and Blue Mosque is shut during preayer time.

We decided to Topkapi Palace, which was a up a big fuck off hill!  It was busy but moving queues.

The Gate 

Lovely Gardens

It was a massive complex with lots of rooms.  We bought a separate ticket for the Harem tour and went on that first.  This took us into the hidden world of the sultan’s wives and concubines.

Lots of courtyards and passages all decorated with beautiful Iznik tiles in green and blue Mosaics on walls.  Reminds us of Medersa Ben Youssef in Morocco.

Queen mother and sultans Apartments are of particular interest with huge gold canopies over where bed would have been, large ornate fire places and some intricate patterns painted on ceilings.

Treasury has some exquisite items in – sultan’s dagger with 3 huge 56 carat emeralds in the handle, 86 carat spoonmakers diamond and the necklaces with huge ruby in the centre flanked by two large emeralds.  Also mother of pearl insets on some of the royal thrones.

Eat at Konyali the on-site restaurant as the café is full.  I had stuffed chicken – pilaf rice, chicken thigh meat and Phil had the Turkish goulash – lamb, vegetables, rice, mash, (very small portion).  He was not impressed but mine was really lovely.  We then shared mixed dessert with various pieces of baklava.

We wandered back outside and there’s a large Iznik tiled building reminiscent of Vinmanek/Cha-am palace.  Upstairs there’s the summer room (circumcision room!) and a few other outbuildings of similar nature arranged around a nice fountain with a miniature of the complex in the centre.

We head back to hotel via the park at the side, and couldn't help noticing how there were lots of trees with no leaves on.

We rested for a while then back out for food – Phil grabed some meat borek (stuffed bread or pastry, bread in this case) and booked a table for later as all the restaurants we wanted to eat in last night were full.  So we headed out back to Pasazade restaurant which specialises in Ottoman cuisine.

I had Arap tava, Sauteed minced lamb & beef with green peppers and onion, served on humus

Phil had chard dolma rolls, Lamb and veal mince stuffed chard-leaf rolls with yogurt and tomato sauce


I had the Sultan's Chicken Rolls
Organic chicken leg stuffed with pistachio, spinach and goat cheese, with sautéd carrot and zucchini served with pilaf

Phil had Hünkâr Beğendi (Sultan's Favorite)
Beef entrecote stew with sun-dried apricots, apple, and almonds, seasoned with cardamom, fresh thyme, basil, and rosemary, served with smoked eggplant mash

I had the baked rice pudding, mastic flavoured (cold) with ice cream
Phil had Semolina Halva with Roasted Pine Kernel and Sundried Fruits

All of it very tasty and very satisfying.  We loved the sound of some of the other dishes on the menu and after a bit of banter with the waiter, decided to book a table for Saturday night.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Bristol & Cardiff

After being struck down for a week of this blasted chest infection or pneumonia as the doctor called it, it was so great to be able to look forward to a lovely night in Bristol.  I was also looking forward to catching up with Martin & Martin who were coming to the gig as I hadn't seen them for some months.

This was also the 3rd day of snow and shortly before I was to set off, it started snowing.  I figured I best leave now, otherwise I might be stuck in for the night.  By the time I went past Birmingham the snow was all but gone and there was none in Bristol at all.  

The Tunnels was a very difficult venue to find as the satnav did not like it at all.  Rob was also struggling as he was driving from Brighton.  I eventually saw Martin & Martin who directed me to the venue and I was then able to explain to Rob where it was.

It was a lovely cozy little venue which was by Temple Meads station and under railway arches.

We arrived as Simon McBride was sound checking

We quickly set up the merch and then I went to get a Subway for us all.  Outside we bumped into Jackie who jumped in the car with us and directed us where to go.  By the time we got back and ate our food, doors were open.

There was a bit of interest at the merch table and I told a few people what Rob's music was like and a few said they would check him out.

We seem to wait for ages for Rob to get on stage, so I thought I would go back stage to see what the hold up is.  Well I marched on stage without seeing the little step down at the back of the stage and went flying, legs in the air, all weight on one knee, hitting my head against the door.  Rob heard the crash and my swearing and came to investigate.  Martin also came to see if I was ok.  Oh the pain.  I managed to get up ok but my knee was in agony.  I was now worried how the hell I was going to drive home.  Luckily I was staying in Cardiff.

Rob finally took the stage and I was really pleased at how polite the Bristol folk were and he went down really well.  I was stood against the wall up front for the first few songs, but my knee was hurting so much that I had to go and sit down at the back.  Rob's performance was great and I was happy that our two virgins also enjoyed it.

 After Rob finished he came over to the merch stall and signed some CDs  including one for Martin who is waiting impatiently in this picture.

He was quite pleased about all the kisses on the CD!

Not quite sure what is going on in this picture, but I manage to snap a rare photo of Jackie who does not like her picture taken.

This man was totally oblivious to anything going on as he slept through the entire Simon McBride gig!

I drove the boys home and got to go over the Severn Bridge which cost money and is not quite as spectacular at night time!  When we got to Cardiff, Martin warmed us up some Beetroot and Mozarella Risotto which was delicious!  

Woke up the next morning (quite late) had a coffee and made my way back to snowy Derbyshire.  Oh my word the roads were bad once I got to the East Midlands.  Rob was unable to make the Derby gig, I was sort of glad I did not have to leave the house and the Dlugokecki gig in Leicester was postponed on the Sunday too as they feared people might be staying away.  Roll on the Brian Houston tour!!!

Friday 22 March 2013

Angry Birds Cake

I have spent the last 3 nights making Angry Birds for a friend's little boy who has a birthday coming up this weekend.  Its not a particularly difficult job, its just so time consuming. 

The birds so far

I have baked and covered the chocolate cake and bunker and stacked them before putting the birds on.

The pigs went on next and then I started with the birds and the stones and boxes.

The finished article.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Start of Simon McBride Tour - Glasgow & Newcastle

Well I got a right good deal and with my club cards the coach from Sheffield to Glasgow and Newcastle back to Sheffield came to the princely some of £4.50.  My coach left Sheffield at 2am so I left home around 12.30am.  The coach station was not quite where I imagined but finally got parked up and the coach arrived.  I had a seat up front next to someone that snored like a freight train and he managed to sleep until he got off in Newcastle.  7 hours on a coach seemed doable, but not quite sure I would do it again!

I arrived in Glasgow at 9am, had a spot of breakfast and then caught the train to Alloa to see my dad.  This ticket cost me £12.75!  Dad was playing bowls so Ellen picked me up and took me home.  I brought him some liver sausage, so he was a happy bunny.  We had some lovely leek and potato soup and then dad took me back to the station and I got the 2.30 train, armed with some lovely home made jam and biltong.

I was disgusted at the state of the train I got on.  It looked like it had not been cleaned for ages!!!

Got to Glasgow and Rob had just arrived so I made my way to the 02 Academy where I met him outside.

When we came to going back into the venue, we seemed to be locked out.  This pic below is quite unfortunate.  It is one of the staff members on the phone and Rob is leaning towards the intercom to gain access to venue.

Simon McBride was sound checking and I decided to set the merch table up.  I then offered to do his merch as well.

Rob went down very well with the Scottish crowd tonight and put in a sterling performance as usual.

I sold quite a few CDs but was a bit gobsmacked at all the funny money in Scotland!

We watched Simon's show and I sold quite a bit for him too and then we went in search of a curry and settled on the Kama Sutra on Sauchiehall Street.

It was simply stunning inside and I was at this point hoping that the food would match.

I had the Himalyan Hot Pot (Himalaya) which was Lamb or chicken cooked in a spicy sauce with garlic, ginger, mushrooms, peppers, spring onions and carrots and Rob had Lamb Malaidar lamb, spinach puree and wicked green chillies simmered in a rich ginger and garlic tarka with a flourish of fresh cream.  

OMG!! the food was a triumph and I can safely say its the best curry I have ever had!!  I look very much forward to coming back here in the not too distant future.

Rob with his Halo.

After dinner I drove Rob's car back to the Premier Inn where we were stopping for the night.  

We got up bright and early (Rob always does!!) and I woke up with a nasty cough!  We decided to make our way to Newcastle and stop for breakfast on the way if we see somewhere.

As we are coming out of Glasgow we spotted a drive through Costa and Rob got a little excited so we had to stop and have a coffee.

We stopped off at Nairn services for some breakfast.  I remember this place from my road trip with Helen to see Cosmic Rough Rides in Glasgow.  Love the castle effect.

We arrived in Newcastle around 3pm at the Cluny.  Always wondered about this venue as its one of those that always pops up on tours.  It was lovely, bar area and venue. 

We were very early so we sat down and availed of the free wi-fi. 

Some of us were a bit more bored than others....

We decided to grab a bite to eat and I ordered a Footlong Chili Dog.  Oh my it was bit, but delicious.

Finally came time for sound check and apart from feeling like death warmed up and coughing my guts up I was rather looking forward to seeing Rob again tonight.  What I wasn't looking forward was the wait till 1.30am at the coach station for my return coach.

Tonight's performance was a bit strange but I enjoyed it none the less.  Just wish people would shut up and listen!!

A girl came over and said that her boyfriend loved Rob, but that he was too shy to come over so she asked Rob to right the message below.

Proudly displaying her CD!

We didn't stay for Simon's performance and Rob insisted on driving me to Sheffield to where my car is.  I can't tell you how relieved I was as I felt like death warmed up.  I was shaking all the way there, proper teeth chattering experience.  I was home and in bed before my coach was due to leave.

I ended up having a little bout of pneumonia so missed the bulk of the Simon McBride tour!

Thursday 14 March 2013

The Passage

Robert Vincent's new single "The Passage" will be out on 15th May 2013.  You can watch the video below or get yourself to and buy a copy of his debut albun "Life in Easy Steps"

Monday 4 March 2013

I'll take the high road....Scottish Tour with Emerald Armada

I have been ever so excited about the trip to Scotland and in particular Inverness as I have never ventured that far north.  I had to set off at 7am as I arranged to meet Rob at Junction 27 of M6 in a lay bye, but my duff information had me turn right at the roundabout and lay bye was left.  I ended up parking in front of someone’s house.  I didn’t have to wait long before Rob & Kev came to fetch me. 

Sat in the back seat I was convinced that I would be asleep in no time, but alas not.  We stopped at Tebay Services which looked like a lovely country house hotel complete with pond, etc.  Food was still shite as is with most services.

We drove through the Cairngorn National Park with some breath taking scenery, lots and lots of snowy mountains and beautiful valleys.

Inverness looked really lovely.

We arrived at Hootenanny’s which is the first venue on the Scottish tour.  

It was pretty packed when we arrived but basically it was a bar with a stage.  We met the Emerald Armada who are on tour with us.

Rob was on first and played a blinding set, but unfortunately people were talking loads, so it was not ideal gigging situation.

Kev was enjoying it though!

Then came the Emerald Armada, who had a couple of really catchy tunes.  Some a bit Mumford and Sons'esq but different because you can hear the Irish accent.  They got the crowd going as I think it was probably more fitting music for pub goers on a Friday night.

Rob and Kev enjoying the Armada.

Having a little post gig chin wag

Back to the hotel for some interesting sleeping arrangements.  I grabbed the couch, whilst Kev took the bed and Rob took the pull out underneath the sleeper couch.  Safe to say Kev's head hit the pillow and he was snoring.  It was quite amusing listening to Rob complaining about the snoring.

They were up at the crack of dawn and it was another beautiful day.  Kev decided to take us to Edinburgh via Loch Ness, Fort William and Ben other words another 7-8 hours on the road.  

Loch Ness

Urquart Castle

Going up Nevis Range

Lovely view from the top.

Man with some seriously crazy eyebrows, I had to ask him if I could take his photo.

After some serious navigation issues, we finally managed to find tonight's venue.  Kev dropped us off and then went to park the car.

Opening act was rather weak, so weak that I can't remember the name of the duo.  Next on was Rob.

Attentive audience. 

Emerald Armada on stage.

 Some photos with the fans who drove up all the way from Hartlepool!

It was a really early finish to the gig and then Kev collected the car and we went back to hotel.  I decided to stay behind for some me time.  Ordered a pizza and some cider and watched TV after a long soak in the bath.  I was really impressed with the Edinburg Learmonth hotel as it was an old Victorian building and the rooms were HUGE.  

Rob and Kev went out for a few and came back in the early hours a little intoxicated.  I got woken up by Rob, "Kev ah for the love of God, Kev, Kev, ah stop snoring, Kev" lol it was so funny.

Up at the crack of dawn to another beautiful day and time for breakfast and a drive around the city centre before heading to Glasgow.

Edinburgh Castle

Arrived in Glasgow and I left the boys to their own devices whilst I walked down Sauchiehall Street and straight to the cinema.  I went to watch "I give it a year".

Lovely Glasgow building.

Tonight's line up:

New Town Tryptych opened up tonight and they were very good, in particular the girl singer had a really amazing voice.  The other songs and male vocals paled into comparison.

Rob doing his thing.

Then came Stu Larsen whom I saw a few weeks ago supporting Passenger at the Rescue Rooms in Nottingham.  I thought he sounded a bit like Chris Martin and remember him doing a fabulous cover of "Fix You".  He was very good again.

Then came the highlight of the night.  The Emerald Armada went on stage and about 4 songs in they called Rob onto the stage and they all played a foot stomping version of "The Passage".  It was a great way to end the tour.  Pity we had to leave after that song. 

Just enough time for a quick pose with Stu Larsen.

We then hit the road and it took us about 3.5 hours to get back to my car.  I arrived home around 4am not knowing how I managed to drive those last few miles as I was falling asleep behind the wheel.  Now a few weeks off and then the start of Simon McBride support tour :-D