Saturday 16 March 2013

Start of Simon McBride Tour - Glasgow & Newcastle

Well I got a right good deal and with my club cards the coach from Sheffield to Glasgow and Newcastle back to Sheffield came to the princely some of £4.50.  My coach left Sheffield at 2am so I left home around 12.30am.  The coach station was not quite where I imagined but finally got parked up and the coach arrived.  I had a seat up front next to someone that snored like a freight train and he managed to sleep until he got off in Newcastle.  7 hours on a coach seemed doable, but not quite sure I would do it again!

I arrived in Glasgow at 9am, had a spot of breakfast and then caught the train to Alloa to see my dad.  This ticket cost me £12.75!  Dad was playing bowls so Ellen picked me up and took me home.  I brought him some liver sausage, so he was a happy bunny.  We had some lovely leek and potato soup and then dad took me back to the station and I got the 2.30 train, armed with some lovely home made jam and biltong.

I was disgusted at the state of the train I got on.  It looked like it had not been cleaned for ages!!!

Got to Glasgow and Rob had just arrived so I made my way to the 02 Academy where I met him outside.

When we came to going back into the venue, we seemed to be locked out.  This pic below is quite unfortunate.  It is one of the staff members on the phone and Rob is leaning towards the intercom to gain access to venue.

Simon McBride was sound checking and I decided to set the merch table up.  I then offered to do his merch as well.

Rob went down very well with the Scottish crowd tonight and put in a sterling performance as usual.

I sold quite a few CDs but was a bit gobsmacked at all the funny money in Scotland!

We watched Simon's show and I sold quite a bit for him too and then we went in search of a curry and settled on the Kama Sutra on Sauchiehall Street.

It was simply stunning inside and I was at this point hoping that the food would match.

I had the Himalyan Hot Pot (Himalaya) which was Lamb or chicken cooked in a spicy sauce with garlic, ginger, mushrooms, peppers, spring onions and carrots and Rob had Lamb Malaidar lamb, spinach puree and wicked green chillies simmered in a rich ginger and garlic tarka with a flourish of fresh cream.  

OMG!! the food was a triumph and I can safely say its the best curry I have ever had!!  I look very much forward to coming back here in the not too distant future.

Rob with his Halo.

After dinner I drove Rob's car back to the Premier Inn where we were stopping for the night.  

We got up bright and early (Rob always does!!) and I woke up with a nasty cough!  We decided to make our way to Newcastle and stop for breakfast on the way if we see somewhere.

As we are coming out of Glasgow we spotted a drive through Costa and Rob got a little excited so we had to stop and have a coffee.

We stopped off at Nairn services for some breakfast.  I remember this place from my road trip with Helen to see Cosmic Rough Rides in Glasgow.  Love the castle effect.

We arrived in Newcastle around 3pm at the Cluny.  Always wondered about this venue as its one of those that always pops up on tours.  It was lovely, bar area and venue. 

We were very early so we sat down and availed of the free wi-fi. 

Some of us were a bit more bored than others....

We decided to grab a bite to eat and I ordered a Footlong Chili Dog.  Oh my it was bit, but delicious.

Finally came time for sound check and apart from feeling like death warmed up and coughing my guts up I was rather looking forward to seeing Rob again tonight.  What I wasn't looking forward was the wait till 1.30am at the coach station for my return coach.

Tonight's performance was a bit strange but I enjoyed it none the less.  Just wish people would shut up and listen!!

A girl came over and said that her boyfriend loved Rob, but that he was too shy to come over so she asked Rob to right the message below.

Proudly displaying her CD!

We didn't stay for Simon's performance and Rob insisted on driving me to Sheffield to where my car is.  I can't tell you how relieved I was as I felt like death warmed up.  I was shaking all the way there, proper teeth chattering experience.  I was home and in bed before my coach was due to leave.

I ended up having a little bout of pneumonia so missed the bulk of the Simon McBride tour!

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