Saturday 23 March 2013

Bristol & Cardiff

After being struck down for a week of this blasted chest infection or pneumonia as the doctor called it, it was so great to be able to look forward to a lovely night in Bristol.  I was also looking forward to catching up with Martin & Martin who were coming to the gig as I hadn't seen them for some months.

This was also the 3rd day of snow and shortly before I was to set off, it started snowing.  I figured I best leave now, otherwise I might be stuck in for the night.  By the time I went past Birmingham the snow was all but gone and there was none in Bristol at all.  

The Tunnels was a very difficult venue to find as the satnav did not like it at all.  Rob was also struggling as he was driving from Brighton.  I eventually saw Martin & Martin who directed me to the venue and I was then able to explain to Rob where it was.

It was a lovely cozy little venue which was by Temple Meads station and under railway arches.

We arrived as Simon McBride was sound checking

We quickly set up the merch and then I went to get a Subway for us all.  Outside we bumped into Jackie who jumped in the car with us and directed us where to go.  By the time we got back and ate our food, doors were open.

There was a bit of interest at the merch table and I told a few people what Rob's music was like and a few said they would check him out.

We seem to wait for ages for Rob to get on stage, so I thought I would go back stage to see what the hold up is.  Well I marched on stage without seeing the little step down at the back of the stage and went flying, legs in the air, all weight on one knee, hitting my head against the door.  Rob heard the crash and my swearing and came to investigate.  Martin also came to see if I was ok.  Oh the pain.  I managed to get up ok but my knee was in agony.  I was now worried how the hell I was going to drive home.  Luckily I was staying in Cardiff.

Rob finally took the stage and I was really pleased at how polite the Bristol folk were and he went down really well.  I was stood against the wall up front for the first few songs, but my knee was hurting so much that I had to go and sit down at the back.  Rob's performance was great and I was happy that our two virgins also enjoyed it.

 After Rob finished he came over to the merch stall and signed some CDs  including one for Martin who is waiting impatiently in this picture.

He was quite pleased about all the kisses on the CD!

Not quite sure what is going on in this picture, but I manage to snap a rare photo of Jackie who does not like her picture taken.

This man was totally oblivious to anything going on as he slept through the entire Simon McBride gig!

I drove the boys home and got to go over the Severn Bridge which cost money and is not quite as spectacular at night time!  When we got to Cardiff, Martin warmed us up some Beetroot and Mozarella Risotto which was delicious!  

Woke up the next morning (quite late) had a coffee and made my way back to snowy Derbyshire.  Oh my word the roads were bad once I got to the East Midlands.  Rob was unable to make the Derby gig, I was sort of glad I did not have to leave the house and the Dlugokecki gig in Leicester was postponed on the Sunday too as they feared people might be staying away.  Roll on the Brian Houston tour!!!

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