Saturday 20 April 2013

All roads lead to Matlock...

Well after only 2.5 hours sleep I had to get up to go to work.  It is Friday and I really wish I had taken the day off!  One good thing is the show to look forward to tonight.  I got through the day ok and managed to slip away from work around 5.30pm.

I arrived in Matlock to Steph waving at me through the window.  Emma was still sound checking, this time with Christoph on violin too.  I was so hungry I could eat a small child, Rob told me there was food in the back room and to go and help myself.  Well what a lovely ciabatta I had!  At this point Rob also warned me that this was going to be a drunk gig as he already had 4 pints and it was still 2 hours before he would be going on stage.

Got talking to Brian and Pauline at the top of the stairs and I remember telling Brian how amazing he was last night and how he is going to have to be even better tonight.  It was at this point that Helen & Mark arrived and chatted with Brian for a bit. 

Pauline and myself set up merch in the back of the hall and the place soon filled up and ended up being quite packed.  Emma then took the stage and it was great, except I did not think the sound did her any favours tonight as the violin was far too loud.  She received a wonderful reception which was quite evident by the 13 CDs we sold.

Rob has now taken the stage with Stephanie on Cello.  He was obviously a little tipsy and he was so funny.  He kept saying he had to decide between brown or clear, referring to the beer or the water in between songs.  Jokes aside, he gave an incredible performance and it was lovely as there was just the right amount of Cello in the mix.

Well the star of the show tonight had to be Brian as he was in top form with his great songs and entertaining stories.  He had everybody in stitches from start to end.  We had all the hits again tonight and a really awesome rendition of "Oranges".  I loved the way that Brian just ask the audience what they want to hear.  To which somebody shouted "Bohemian Rhapsody", well Brian got the audience to sing a whole chorus of this which was hilarious. 

Well we all know that Brian always finishes on "Childish Things".  But not tonight he called Rob and Emma on stage to do a little song with him.  

Brian wanted to do a Van Morrison song but then someone shouted for "Stand by Me".  Brian said he didn't know the second verse and Rob said he did.  Well what ensued next is best understood by just watching the video clip and an excellent reason why Rob should not play gigs whilst under the influence!

This is not my video as my copy is that shaky because I was laughing that much, I nearly cried.

I grabbed hold of Brian after the gig and hugged him saying that the gig was better than last night.  He said that he rose to the challenge I gave him.  

We then had some silly photos after the gig.

Rob with bragging that he was drinking out of a vase.  This vase was discovered in his bag the next day!

It was nice to have the hubby here for this epic gig and I even managed to get some pics of my two men together.  It even looks like they are in love ha ha.

Then outside Rob was taking pics of the fishes in the stream and kept shouting the word "Shotgun", this he had to explain to me.  I guess you had to be there...

Went home with huge smile on my face buzzing and excited about tomorrow night in Portsmouth.

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