Friday 19 April 2013

Its finally here, the start of Robert Vincent & Brian Houston Tour

I  have just about come down to earth after an incredible 2 days on the road with Robert Vincent and Brian Houston.  The tour started in Cambridge which was the first of the 3 dates that Emma Stevens opened the show. 

Happy to be playing together again!

Cambridge venue was sort of theatre artsy venue which happened to be in the middle of nowhere, which I think was one of the reasons for the lack of punters.  Still we enjoyed fab sets from all.

Emma got a sunflower during "Sunflower".

Rob played a blinder with the best ever rendition of "You Wouldn't Let It", it was a proper goosebumpy moment!

Well it has been 4 months since I saw Brian and I think he made everyone cry, great hearing "Red Badge of Courage" again.  That is the song that made me cry first time I saw Brian.

After the show (AND NO NANDOS despite it being next to venue) we headed off into London.  I left my car at Redbridge tube station and Kev drove us to Pat's in Wapping near Tower Bridge.

Pat was a darling and laid on an Indian fest for us before we headed to bed.

Rob and Kev were up before me (no surprises there then) and Kev said there were plenty of cafes around to grab breakfast.  Well we must have walked in the wrong direction!!  We finally stumbled upon this pub in a little square and had ciabattas each before heading back to flat to fetch car and drive to Waterloo.  

Rob had to go and sign some contracts and Kev and I stayed in the car.  Well just as well as the heavens opened up and we had hail and torrential rain.  Rob and Andy came back and we now had to go and meet Graham.  After circling in traffic for a while we picked up a drowned rat which vaguely resembled Graham and three squashed in the back.  Rob then drove to Andy's car parking space which was right by the London Eye.  (It would have been a lovely day for it).

Mustang Rob was eyeing out in car park.

We then went for some lunch at Slug & Lettuce for a spot of lunch.  I had forgotten what it was like being with a bunch of men where innuendo was part of normal conversation.  It was pretty funny though and one definitely needs to give as good as you get.

We then left for the restaurant we headed for Surya which is near Kings Cross.  Andy was driving faster than the speed of light, I think he thought we were in Monacco or something.  We arrived in time for soundcheck and Brian was on stage with full band.  

Emma on stage after Rob's soundcheck!

Venue was a strange little basement room, but most definitely the poshest dressing room I have ever seen and the perfect place for Rob to chill.

 Loved this sign on the wall, made me chuckle!

Emma and Sam indulging in pre gig snacks.  Exceedingly healthy humus and carrots!

Jackie, one of the Justin Currie fans turned up (punctually as usual) to see Rob and it was lovely to see her again.  Rob's performance was immense again tonight and we heard "Second Chance" for the first time on this tour.

Brian was on fire with the band tonight.

We then departed and Rob gave me a lift back to Redgridge tube, which sadly was very much out of his way.  I then saw him again in Gateway Services which was quite funny as he set off quite a bit before I left Redbridge.  

I needed petrol and a toilet so decided to go to Tesco in Watford, where I had my arm twisted (well not really) to have some Krispy Kreme donuts to sustain me on the long trip home.  Busy chomping away and then Janice Long played Anna Corcoran's new song "The Show" on Radio 2 and that was very exciting!

Several snooze stops later, falling asleep behind the wheel I finally arrived home at 04:50am!!  I flopped into bed and woke up at 7 :-s   Lovely day at work to look forward to before tonight's Matlock gig.

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