Sunday 14 April 2013

Rye, Ale & Oat Bread

Well I have been meaning to have another bash at making bread lately, but find that I am just too impatient for it.  I want the bread now, now 4 hours later when its proved twice and baked in the oven!

Anyway I remember as a child my dad loving rye bread, I did not really have a taste for it myself but I am also aware that our tastes change as we change so it was worth a try.  Plus it had ale in it which had to be a winner with my man.

I decided to try Paul Hollywood's recipe - you can find it here

So I got my ingredients together.

As Paul mentioned it was a wet dough I decided to try out my dough hook attachment on the mixer.

Finally got the dough all mixed and set it in an oiled bowl to prove for 2 hours.  Then I decided to go against Mr Hollywood and instead of placing dough in a ball on a flowered baking sheet, I chose to use a loaf tin.  At the time the dough fitted in perfectly fine.

 I then smeared the ale and rye flour paste on top and sprinkled with oats and left it to prove for a further hour and half.

Well it certainly rose to the point where it was overflowing around the sides of the tin.  I now know why we use a baking sheet.  In hindsight I would just make 2 loaves next time.  After 30 minutes in the oven I had no way of knowing if it was cooked as the bread was stuck to the pan so I couldn't lift it out to tap the bottom to hear if it is hollow.  I trusted my instincts and took it out none the less.

Well I finally had some today and I am impressed.  OMG I made a loaf and it nice and soft and moist and ever so bread like!!!

Enjoyed it as part of a lovely ploughmans this evening.

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