Friday 27 January 2006

Kubb supported by Story One - Rock City Basement - 25/01/06

Well I am running out of adjectives to describe Story One and these blogs are getting decidedly boring now!!!  But I will say it again WOW BLOODY WOW!!! 

I get butterflies before every performance as the adrenalin pumps with anticipation of another magical night.  Of course last night was no exception - and Story One was just the support act.  (She says after paying over the odds to get tickets from Ebay so she can see them again!) 

Absolutely love the new songs and really cannot wait for the album anymore.  "Saving Grace" really rocks and I also like the newest recorded one - not sure what its called "...1, 2, 3..." lol!

Then came the turn of Kubb whom I only heard very briefly before, but loved what I heard and always being open to new stuff I thought I would go and see them.  Plus there was the assurance that I would at least enjoy one band on the night and that alone was worth it.

But they were outstanding, knew a couple of songs "Remain", "Somebody Else" and they amazing new single "Grow".  Of course loved singing along to "Wicked Soul" and the encore of "Alcatraz" was amazing but must say song of the night for me was "Mother".  I felt quite emotional as I spoke to mine in SA earlier that day and God I am now so homesick...well its been a while!

Looking forwad to Sunday at Rescue Rooms to see Story One play at my gig and then got the 31st in Sheffield seeing them again supporting Kubb.  Oh yes also got my tickets for the Social end of March today 

Tom, Barney, G and Mike THANK YOU!

Wednesday 25 January 2006

Stressful Times

4 days to go and nerves are really settin in now!  But I am sure my friends are looking really forward for this gig to be over as apparently I have become very boring as I talk of nothing else.

It seems like yesterday 1st December when I decided to do it and I can't believe how quickly everything came together. The thing I thought would be the most difficult, ended up being the easiest - getting bands!! 

Venue proved to be a nightmare but then Rescue Rooms came up trumps - thanks!
Now I am just a bit worried about numbers (despite excellent ticket sales) there is always the fear that nobody will turn up but I guess its the same for anything that we organise in life. 

Anyway if you don't have a ticket for the major music extravaganza of the year, then I would not wait too long, because at last check there was less than 100 left.
Those who are coming see you in a few :o) and mine is a Double Smirnoff!!

Monday 16 January 2006

FAB Weekend of Funny Gigs and Gags

But right now I need sleep, so will tell you more tomorrow about Tom Wardle and Mark Morriss of the Bluetones (another strange one) which I saw in Doncaster on Saturday night. 


Dlugokecki whom appeared at the Rock Garden in Covent Garden Sunday, crazy crazy Winchester boy!!! 

Also got to mention discovering awesome band called The Warm - who totally had me engrossed in their music today.  Thanks 

Wednesday 11 January 2006

Red Star Rebels @ Little Civic Wolverhampton 11 Jan 06

Oh Goodness look at the time again!  Right gonna do this and then sleep...

When my friend Lee told me I would enjoy Red Star Rebels, I believed him, but he did not quite prepare me for what I witnessed last night.  They are all fucking mad!!!  Yes I know this coming from me is quite something, but you have got to see it to believe it.
I was absolutely, pleasantly and thoroughly entertained from start of set to the end.  It was Motley Crue vs Guns n Roses.  Now so looking forward to seeing these boys on their own patch in London on Tuesday.

Such nice guys....(ooh sorry is that bad for street cred?)  Blacky, Johnny, Meady, Dazzle and Steve - You Rock!!!

Now make sure you play "Fast Die Young" on Tuesday as I liked that one!

Till Tuesday....

Margi x

PS No Pictures to share as they are all blurred for some reason!!

Monday 9 January 2006

James Blunt @ The Point, Dublin 7 Jan 06

Well Gig No. 1 of the year started off in fine fettle after several bottles of Stag and an Abrakebabra 

Proceeded to The Point Theatre on the Saturday to find the support act to be none other than the amazing Nerina Pallot.  This happens to be the 4th time I have seen Nerina and most of them have been by pure chance.  Last time I saw Nerina was when she supported Paddy Casey in Portsmouth in April 05.  (That was also the night I discovered another current fav of mine Dlugokecki who is playing at the Platform in Covent Garden on Saturday, 15th January 06 and I will be there to see him!)  As usual Nerina was fabulous and got a great reception from the Irish crowd.  Tried to catch her signing CD's but the girl was far too busy and I was not about to miss Mr Blunt!

My 2nd time of see James, first time was Rock City in October 05, where they packed punters in like sardines and it was an most unpleasant experience and I could not see a thing.  Saying that the music then and over the weekend was brilliant.
I think James Blunt can be desribed as having an unusual voice and does what he does brilliantly well.  Loved all the new stuff very much and I can't help thinking that the second album will be better than the first.  Of course loved it when James sang my fav song "Tears and Rain", it was a special performance and when ever I listen to that song I can't help feeling it was written for me.

He sang every song off the "Back to Bedlam" album and for encore did "So Long Jimmy" and then finished the night with "You're Beautiful".  It was at times hard to hear James as the Irish audience were in full flow and they all sang their hearts out.

A lovely highlight of a nice relaxing weekend in Dublin.  Got 4 gigs this week and loads of flyposting and leaflets to be handed out. 

Good job I am an insomniac!