Wednesday 25 January 2006

Stressful Times

4 days to go and nerves are really settin in now!  But I am sure my friends are looking really forward for this gig to be over as apparently I have become very boring as I talk of nothing else.

It seems like yesterday 1st December when I decided to do it and I can't believe how quickly everything came together. The thing I thought would be the most difficult, ended up being the easiest - getting bands!! 

Venue proved to be a nightmare but then Rescue Rooms came up trumps - thanks!
Now I am just a bit worried about numbers (despite excellent ticket sales) there is always the fear that nobody will turn up but I guess its the same for anything that we organise in life. 

Anyway if you don't have a ticket for the major music extravaganza of the year, then I would not wait too long, because at last check there was less than 100 left.
Those who are coming see you in a few :o) and mine is a Double Smirnoff!!

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