Tuesday 28 February 2006

Toto @ Hammersmith Apollo - Sat 25 Feb 06

A bit of a belated blog, but then again I have not been home!

Set off early on Saturday for my 3rd trip down to London in a week. Parked in usual spot near Hendon Central and got tube to Hammersmith.  Booked into Hotel  (nice one too) and got to the Apollo about 15 mintues late.

Was gutted as there was no support act and we had missed a couple of songs.  Sat down and what ensued can only be described as thoroughly memorable.  Watching a band I so loved in the 80's was all a bit surreal. 

They sang all the favourites including "Hold the Line", "Rosanna" and of course my own personal favourite "I'll be over you".  This song almost reduced me to tears as it reminds me of someone that was once dear to me.  So the trip down memory lane continued. 
They played a few more songs some I knew, some I did not and a good few from their new album.  They then went off stage and I assumed we missed their all time classic.  They came back for their encore and said that the internet voted this song No 1 of all time and I thought great!  But it was not it.  Said their goodbyes again, but at this point the entire audience were on their feet chanting "Africa, Africa, Africa".

So delighted that obviously I had not missed it, the came out for second encore and the night was sealed off beautifully.  A night to remember, don't think I would go and see them again, but it had to be done at least once.

Friday 24 February 2006

Betchadupa supporting The Fontanelles @ Metro, London 23/2/06

A special day that will be remembered for more than doing nothing all day at work, managing to escape early, struggling to find our way, being bag searched and Double Decker interrogation!

Great things that happened today:

1.  Discovered amazing band called Kapowski that reminded me of early Idlewild, Death Cab for a Cutie and one song was so Snow Patrol.  Thoroughly enjoyable.

2.  Finally seeing Betchadupa and enjoying very lively, crazily energetic, foottappingly fun performance.  (Even though Liam Finn stood on my finger when he jumped on the amp!)  Meeting the guys afterwards and them signing my CD.

3.  The smile on my friend Helen's face that was still apparent as she dropped me off.  After I insisted she comes to meet Crowded House frontman and lifetime hero of hers - Neil Finn!  The poor thing was so star struck when I was talking to him and calling her over.  Such a nice man indeed :o) and he loves Nottingham!

4.  Oh  yes I also met Crowded House frontman Neil Finn lol!
Looking foward to Bic Runga on Tuesday and Betchadupa again on the 4th March!
Thanks Helen mate I had a fab night  I am still buzzing!

Tuesday 21 February 2006

Story One & UGLI at The Vic Inn - Derby 20 Feb 06

Manage to persuade a few friends to come to Derby for a night.  Started off with some nice South African cuisine at Barracuda - only now I am bloody homesick!

Got to Vic Inn via grand tour of Derby with its stupid one way systems.  We were in Normanton, Osmanton and thank goodness for me recognising Bombardier, we could still be on the damn ring road.

Strange little venue but sound seemed ok.  Got there for UGLI's soundcheck and they sounded pretty good.  A few minutes later they were on and I was very impressed as they sounded so much better than their CD.  Quite explosive bluesy rock music and really got the foot tapping.  Song that sticks in my mind is the Robin Hood song, as some of those lyrics are a very funny.  What were you on boys when you wrote that one?  They finished in great style and was perfect to get us in the mood for Story One.  Will definately check these out again as I thoroughly enjoyed it Check em out.

Did not see any of the other two bands as I spent my time talking to Story One lads and it was a nice relaxing evening.  Richard Snow also turned up and it was good to see that my constant pestering has finally paid off :D  Nah Richard is lovely and he appreciates good music when he hears it, so make sure you check him out!!

Mike and Tom sat with us and once we had decided on their set list, we followed them into the music bit.  Tom was on top form and Richard described them as "anthemic" - I was struggling for descriptive words as WOW does not seem to do it anymore.  I think I am addicted and hopefully with many more gigs I might be cured.  Would have to be an awful lot of gigs though!

Tom of course made my night again by dedicating "Disposable" to me (how sweet) also mad about "AM 180" - the "Va va voom" that goes into that song leaves me with goosebumps every single time.  But must say the new stuff is really growing on me , I love "Out of Season", "Saving Grace" and "Count to 3"

Ok got a couple of weeks break before I see these guys again, not sure how I will cope, but no doubt be worth it when I do.

If you have not seen these guys yet or looked at them online, do yourself a favour NOW and check them out - I guarantee you will not be sorry!

Now sleep :D

Thanks  Helen, Julia, Richard and Flowerpot for coming - love you guys too :o)

Sunday 19 February 2006

Red Star Rebels - Battle of the Band Champions 2006!!!

We set off about 4pm to collect the bus and pick up the rest of the gang in Nottingham.  Some were slightly oiled or stoned at this point already but we wont mention any names....

As designated driver it took some getting used to driving that bloody thing but I soon had the hang of it and booting along at 95 mile an hour down the M42 speaks for itself.  Until THAT sliproad...everybody on the bus saw their lives flash in front of them.  Was a funny, nervy moment, but luckily we did not have an accident.

Got to Wolverhampton went for a bite to eat after seeing the Rebels were not on till much later.  Got back to the Wulfrun Hall witnessed some mediocre bands, but lucky as the night went the quality improved slightly. 
Then came the turn of the Rebels.

We decided to go upfront so we can give 150% support and it turned out to be most explosive performance yet.  (Blacky even had a shave!!!)  This venue did not afford much opportunity for outrageousness off stage, but the Rebels more than made up for it on stage.  Blacky was almost permanently hanging off the front barrier mixing with the crowd.  Fabulously awesome they dazzled the whole audience (well perhaps not the sore losing OTB fans) and it was certain that there would only be one winner.

After having to endure further crappy  music waiting for the result the tense moment of truth arrived.  Everybody looked a bit nervous but we all kept chanting "Red Star Rebels, Red Star Rebels".  Voice still a bit croaky. 

Fabulous frenzy broke out with congrats all round when the Rebels were announced as winners.  Glad I was there for that and glad I could share it with my friends. 


Wednesday 15 February 2006

"Marching on together......"

Well this is a first not posting a blog to do with music! 

But tonight I spent an unusual Valentines Day at the most romantic places of all - Elland Road lol!  After a rather relaxed performance in the first half, Leeds obviously got a stern talking to being 1 down at half time due to a superbly taken free kick by Young.  We tried a bit harder before the break and Watford Keeper and crossbar denied us.

2nd half we were out of the traps really straight away and what followed was pretty much end to end stuff.  Only now Leeds seem to have a bit more urgency about the job at hand.  Injured Sub Creswell came on and after about 10 minutes had a one to one with the keeper and the keeper brought him down in the area.  Watford keeper got sent off and Blake scored the penalty.

5 minutes later Henderson elbowed Gregan in the face to receive their 2nd red card of the evening and now Watford are down to 9 men.  What followed was rather tense as we just did not seem to be able to concede our chances and Watford looked dangerous on the counter attack.

With 9 minutes to go Blake scored a 2nd and the relief was obvious, till the 4th official showed 5 minutes extra time for stoppages.  To say that it was a little nervy is putting it mildly and my fingernails are perfect proof of this.  We scored a 3rd that was disallowed for offside, but thankfully the ref blew the whistle shortly after.

Nice to see Leeds United to back into 3rd place and pity Reading could not beat Sheffield United.

Yes see I do have other passions besides MUSIC!!! 

Tuesday 7 February 2006

CancerBACUP Gig - 29th Jan 06 @ Rescue Rooms

Hi there,

Well I have finally come down to earth with a bang!  I know you have all been waiting patiently to be told about the day and I have just not had a moment!  Ok to be honest its been a week of being completely overwhelmed by all the nice things people have had to say and I know for a fact that everybody there had a fab time.

So where does one begin?  First to arrive was The Present what a lovely bunch of people and the  hugging was in supermode :D.  We watched them do their sound check and then reality sort of started setting in and the adrenalin was brimming over.  More bands started arriving and then I could relax as we had music until 7.30pm  and the Red Star Rebels were also there who were due on at 10 so all was good.

Afternoon was opened up by acoustic set from Matt Henshaw (of Censored).  Matt showed an awful lot of guts opening things and was very very confident for one so young.  Not to mentioned accomplished.  People were buzzing after his set and his version of "Anarchy in the UK" is still a talking point amongst my friends.  Hard to describe the genre but the Beatles influence was quite apparent and actually suited an acoustic set.  Matt has a superb voice and we all love him!  Personal favourite "Johnny Boy" :o) We all have pencilled in the Censored Hard Rock Cafe gig. 
Matt's performance was followed by 3D who were not able to get the band in the Venue as they were only 14 lol, but they sang to a backing track and it was quite something different. 

Then came the turn of Wayne Ridgway whose songs are all inspired by real life events and issues and all very close to the heart.  Wayne's influences are the likes of Neil Young and Nick Drake and he captivated the audience with his impressive delivery.  There is a certain Butterfly song that has people talking as it was very sad.  No doubt see more of Wayne in the future.

Next up was Richard Snow (with his newly named Inlaws) to set the stage on fire.  Happy harmonising melodies that makes you wanna dance and sing a long.  The highlight of this set for me was "Silent Girlfriend", but that is not what has people talking.  Seems "Lonesome Cowboy" (sung half country half reggae) that grabbed people's interest.  Seen Richard since (what a lovely fella!) and will no doubt catch him on his next round of Battle of the Bands.

Up next The Present who travelled all the way from Forest of Dean to Sherwood Forest and boy was it worth it!  They were loved by the audience as their unique mixture of great vocals, catchy melodies with a indie rock edge.  I am so looking forward to catch these again as they were the first to get the crowd dancing.  Yes its official The Flowerpot loved you!!  Really love "I Hear Sunshine" and "Day Like Today" which I thought was quite apt.  Gutted they did not do their Kylie tho lol!

Then came the first hitch of the night or maybe it was a blessing in disguise.  Sandi Thom had not turned up yet as she got caught up in traffic and roadworks.  Shmoo did not want to go on earlier as they were expecting fans at the time of their slot and now I had an hour to kill somehow.  The saviour of the afternoon and one of the distinct highlights of my night...step into the breach Johnny Rebel!  After a little persuasion and me turning on my absolute charm Johnny dazzled the audience with an impressive acoustic slot...people were captivated and he was awesome.  So that was just a bonus :o)

All the way from deepest darkest Manchester....Shmoo were on next and they are also one of the talking points of the gig and many really enjoyed their set.  Lots of keyboards and synths for a truly Electronica sound.  Rowena has an amazing voice and the whole set was very well received.  Sadly I was at the door for most of this set but the bits I heard were great!

Then was the turn of "The mad one from down South" Dlugokecki who travelled with full band all the way from Southampton.  I had only seen Ben a few weeks prior in London and I was really looking forward to his performance.  Well Nottingham truly loved this sound and Ben's amazing voice captivated everybody and has now left people a bit unhappy....  Unhappy with the fact that he is so bloody far away!!!  Personally being a fan I loved the whole set but was completely blown away bye the final song and truly awesome version of "Insecure" - WOW WOW WOW

Sandi Thom had now arrived and it was great but now we are running a bit late.  Sandi's set up was quite easy and very low tech but what a voice!  Her own style of friendly happy music had people hanging on her every word.  Songs like "Little Remedy" and "No more heroes" were enjoyed by all.  But highlight of my night came a truly memorable performance of "I wish I was a Punk Rocker"  I think that Flowerpot and I must have drowned her out as we sang at the top of our voices!  A truly overwhelming moment :D

"Standback Nottingham and prepare yourself for the turn of Red Star Rebels as these guys are mental"!!!  People's faces were a picture as the Meady and Johnny climbed on the bar and Dazzle was on the staircase!  Of course I was one of few who knew what they were capable of.  The sound in Rescue Rooms was amazing and these boys truly rocked the joint!  Every single head head in the audience was shaking and people were mesmerised by the spectacle.  What a set and I personally loved "Fast Die  Young" and "Bulletproof Love".

One of the people who enjoyed the Rebels the most was Story One front man Tom Evans.  I  have never seen him so into anything before, it was awesome.  Then to be asked by Tom "Do we have to play?" and "How can we follow that?" is compliment itself.
But Story One are one of my fav bands of all time and they sounded the best ever on that stage!  The energy and passion coming from the stage electrified the audience and people were just watching in true amazement.  Tom has an amazing voice and this band Gerald, Mike and Barney have a unique togetherness that is apparent everytime I watch them (6 times this year already lol)  Mindblowing performance!!!

Highlight for the Flowerpot came in the guise of The Council a band we saw support Alabama 3 in October last year.  Unique band with most amazing hard hitting vocal sound in front man Derin.  They were as fab as we remembered and the Resuce Rooms was the perfect venue for them!  Finished their set with a 14 minute song - WOW!

Twilight spot belonged to Tom Wardle who had been patiently waiting for his set.  Tom as usual was awesome (though a bit quietier than usual) as his voice was going but he was much loved by my friends and I and a perfect way to end of this occasion by mellowing things a little.  Another highlight of my night was Tom doing his version of Green Day's "Good Riddance (Time of  your life)" A very fitting song for amost memorable night and I can safely say that I did have the time of my life.

All that remains now is to get around to opening the collection boxes and doing a final total.  Oh yes and of course to thank all the bands for participating, the Rescue Rooms for use of the venue and their nice friendly staff all my friends who helped out on the day in no particular order:- 

Leigh (Flowerpot) for being my mate and having to put up with my wining and talking of nothing else before and since!  Luv ya mate and glad we could have shared this together :o)

Nicki & Stu for helping early on setting up and for staying all night - you guys were awesome!

Tom for being at the end of the phone when I needed you about technical stuff, setting up on the night and for being a mate!

Mike for standing tirelessly by the door all night long and for much hugs and cuddles throughout. Thanks so much!!!

Mark for your help and support before during and after and for much needed financial assistance.  Much appreciated :D!

Helen for being my official photographer and mate and for also putting up with my constant talking of music and gigs at work.  You are a star!!! 

Sally who did the artwork for the publicity stuff - pity you peaked too soon girl! Thanks a lot!

Rick (bald, short, fat, hairy man from Barnsley) Thanks for being there for me mate - love ya to bits!

Everybody that enjoyed this night with us - nice to have met you!

Much love to all of you from the bottom of my heart :D
Margi x