Sunday 19 February 2006

Red Star Rebels - Battle of the Band Champions 2006!!!

We set off about 4pm to collect the bus and pick up the rest of the gang in Nottingham.  Some were slightly oiled or stoned at this point already but we wont mention any names....

As designated driver it took some getting used to driving that bloody thing but I soon had the hang of it and booting along at 95 mile an hour down the M42 speaks for itself.  Until THAT sliproad...everybody on the bus saw their lives flash in front of them.  Was a funny, nervy moment, but luckily we did not have an accident.

Got to Wolverhampton went for a bite to eat after seeing the Rebels were not on till much later.  Got back to the Wulfrun Hall witnessed some mediocre bands, but lucky as the night went the quality improved slightly. 
Then came the turn of the Rebels.

We decided to go upfront so we can give 150% support and it turned out to be most explosive performance yet.  (Blacky even had a shave!!!)  This venue did not afford much opportunity for outrageousness off stage, but the Rebels more than made up for it on stage.  Blacky was almost permanently hanging off the front barrier mixing with the crowd.  Fabulously awesome they dazzled the whole audience (well perhaps not the sore losing OTB fans) and it was certain that there would only be one winner.

After having to endure further crappy  music waiting for the result the tense moment of truth arrived.  Everybody looked a bit nervous but we all kept chanting "Red Star Rebels, Red Star Rebels".  Voice still a bit croaky. 

Fabulous frenzy broke out with congrats all round when the Rebels were announced as winners.  Glad I was there for that and glad I could share it with my friends. 


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