Tuesday 21 February 2006

Story One & UGLI at The Vic Inn - Derby 20 Feb 06

Manage to persuade a few friends to come to Derby for a night.  Started off with some nice South African cuisine at Barracuda - only now I am bloody homesick!

Got to Vic Inn via grand tour of Derby with its stupid one way systems.  We were in Normanton, Osmanton and thank goodness for me recognising Bombardier, we could still be on the damn ring road.

Strange little venue but sound seemed ok.  Got there for UGLI's soundcheck and they sounded pretty good.  A few minutes later they were on and I was very impressed as they sounded so much better than their CD.  Quite explosive bluesy rock music and really got the foot tapping.  Song that sticks in my mind is the Robin Hood song, as some of those lyrics are a very funny.  What were you on boys when you wrote that one?  They finished in great style and was perfect to get us in the mood for Story One.  Will definately check these out again as I thoroughly enjoyed it Check em out.

Did not see any of the other two bands as I spent my time talking to Story One lads and it was a nice relaxing evening.  Richard Snow also turned up and it was good to see that my constant pestering has finally paid off :D  Nah Richard is lovely and he appreciates good music when he hears it, so make sure you check him out!!

Mike and Tom sat with us and once we had decided on their set list, we followed them into the music bit.  Tom was on top form and Richard described them as "anthemic" - I was struggling for descriptive words as WOW does not seem to do it anymore.  I think I am addicted and hopefully with many more gigs I might be cured.  Would have to be an awful lot of gigs though!

Tom of course made my night again by dedicating "Disposable" to me (how sweet) also mad about "AM 180" - the "Va va voom" that goes into that song leaves me with goosebumps every single time.  But must say the new stuff is really growing on me , I love "Out of Season", "Saving Grace" and "Count to 3"

Ok got a couple of weeks break before I see these guys again, not sure how I will cope, but no doubt be worth it when I do.

If you have not seen these guys yet or looked at them online, do yourself a favour NOW and check them out - I guarantee you will not be sorry!

Now sleep :D

Thanks  Helen, Julia, Richard and Flowerpot for coming - love you guys too :o)

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