Tuesday 28 February 2006

Toto @ Hammersmith Apollo - Sat 25 Feb 06

A bit of a belated blog, but then again I have not been home!

Set off early on Saturday for my 3rd trip down to London in a week. Parked in usual spot near Hendon Central and got tube to Hammersmith.  Booked into Hotel  (nice one too) and got to the Apollo about 15 mintues late.

Was gutted as there was no support act and we had missed a couple of songs.  Sat down and what ensued can only be described as thoroughly memorable.  Watching a band I so loved in the 80's was all a bit surreal. 

They sang all the favourites including "Hold the Line", "Rosanna" and of course my own personal favourite "I'll be over you".  This song almost reduced me to tears as it reminds me of someone that was once dear to me.  So the trip down memory lane continued. 
They played a few more songs some I knew, some I did not and a good few from their new album.  They then went off stage and I assumed we missed their all time classic.  They came back for their encore and said that the internet voted this song No 1 of all time and I thought great!  But it was not it.  Said their goodbyes again, but at this point the entire audience were on their feet chanting "Africa, Africa, Africa".

So delighted that obviously I had not missed it, the came out for second encore and the night was sealed off beautifully.  A night to remember, don't think I would go and see them again, but it had to be done at least once.

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