Wednesday 23 August 2006

Festivals and other stuff

Well its a known fact one should blog one festival before going to the next, but I have been so inundated (with work honestly) that I have not had chance to do any of it justice.

Last weekend was at V at Weston Park and the weekend before it was Summer Sundae in Leicester.

I will blog each separately of course and I have so many pictures and videos too.  Have to mention though that out of the two weekends, my favourite performance was that ofThe Crimea, which forced me to miss half of Starsailor and Starsailor forced me to miss Paul Weller.

Also been organising my next charity gig which will take place on 17th September in The Rescue Rooms so check back here for more details in a couple of days.

There is also an excellent chance of another biggie in Rock City end of November but I will let you all know as soon as its confirmed.
I am 5 weeks into chemo and its been pretty rough most days.  What gets me down is just the lack of energy and motivation I seem to be suffering of at the moment.  Not to mention constantly feeling tired and the throwing up has just become part of the routine.  Still there is only 7 weeks to go and lets hope that is the bloody end of this!

Ok moan over....

Its 06:18 and I have still not been to bed and I have a meeting this morning, a lunch date and cinema this afternoon and then My Morning Jacket with Kate this evening, so apologies Kate if I am half asleep.

Goodnight :o)

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