Wednesday 23 August 2006

Some Jacket, Man Whore and Kerb Crawling with Kate - 22 Aug 06

This day started off with Kate getting excited in thinking that The Henry Road were supporting My Morning Jacket at Rescue Rooms tonight.  Funniest bit about it is that I convinced her to try and blag us free entry as it was a bit steep.  Turns out the guys were just going to watch My Morning Jacket, so must have thought Kate was a right cheeky cow....we went none the less.

Firstly had a meeting first thing and then went to meet Jason at the Cinema (on time as usual lol).  Bless I think he must have thought I stood him up.  I got there and he had gone in without me, which is understandable as it was time for the movie.  We watched Miami Vide and to be  honest whilst some bits were ok, at the end I still kept waiting for something to happen. Definite plus points go for 2 hours of Colin Pwoarrel perving, but that is another story.

We went for a coffee afterwards and Jason went home and I went off to meet Kate at The Rescue Rooms.  We got hassled by the Richard Swift street team member to sign up for the mailing list and duly obliged.  Richard Swift was kind of cool and reminded me a lot of BC Camplight....just a bit louder and the sound was not great for them in there tonight.  It always seemed like there was a humming in the background.

To be honest don't know much of My Morning Jacket's stuff but listened to the Myspace tracks before going out and it seemed really quiet and depressing - Yeah Right!  Whilst some songs were quiet the majority of them were about 8 minutes long and 5 minutes of that being guitar music.  I loved most of it, but could not help thinking that most the songs were too long.

We met up with Ben of The Henry Road and Jamie after the gig next door and had  a bit of banter.  It turns out that Jamie is from a little village I used to live in for 10 years a while back and he got quite excited about toffees, home baked bread and Warsop Carnival.  Ben and I also had a nice long chat and hopefully The Henry Road are going to play their final gig (for a while) for me next Friday - OK its for Kate really :o)  We shared much laughter and hugs with Ben, Jamie, Steph and Toby (I think) before making out way to car park which shut in 10 minutes.

I was so hungry I could eat a small child at this point and had to find a kebab shop or something to eat.  Kate was still giggling like a school girl, I think she had one too many pints of Grolsch.  We stopped at kebab shop, I ordered a pizza of course and Kate got things that resembled veg samoosas and some chips with her tomato sauce.

When next this gorgeous young man steps into kebab shop and starts talking to us.  HELLO! indeed.  He went outside to make a phone call and come back in disgusted that the taxi would take 45 minutes to come.  So I asked where he lived and duly offered him a lift home.  Andrew seemed very nice dressed in his suit and was quite well spoken.

We sat in the car eating our food and the first thing Andrew did was pick up my shoes in the back and started sniffing them lol when I asked him what he was doing, he reckoned he had a thing for feet and noses.  I did not ask about the feet, but was curious about the noses and asked im what kind of noses, he then pointed to mine - strange boy.  We asked him what he did for a living and then told us he worked in Sales for Ann Summers and that he was very good at selling sex. 

Turns out we had a man whore in the car with us no less.  Ok he used the word Escort, but we all know what that really means.  He was complaining how it was a "bad time of the month", which had Kate and I in stiches.  But this was because kids were of school and women were not able to get out of the house.

We got Andrew to direct us to where he lived and he took us on a shortcut through the red light district and we were followed by the police for sometime before being pulled over.  Policeman asked if we were lost and I said that I was giving the gentleman a lift home.  He then told us how this was the red light district and that we were pulled over on suspiscion of kerb crawling LOL!  Well I tell you I could not make this stuff up if I tried.

He told us to drive safely and we could not stop laughing all the way home.  This young bloke must have thought these two older women are mad, well he is right but it was funny.

Imagine picking up a man whore and being pulled over for kerb crawling....all in a night around Nottingham!
Thanks Kate for making me laugh so much that I ache, what a fab out Manchester :o)

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