Thursday 10 August 2006

Purple Turtle Camden Adam Smith, Tim Reid, Recreation, The Four Last Things & The Warm - 9 Aug

Ok so I was a little bit apprehensive before this one as my previous out of town gigs have been just a bit too intimate for my liking, so was not quite sure what to expect.  Especially since nobody was really from London....  We started off with Adam from Edinburgh via Derby, then Tim who hails from Melbourne, Australia, the The Four Last Things from Leicester and Recreation and The Warm from Southampton.  I love London!!!

As the flyer says 5 reasons to visit Purple Turtle, well it should have said 5 BLOODY AWESOME reasons instead (taking note Simon?)!
Helen has done most of the work on this blog so read hers here its great!
Sat in the box office for early part of the night and sadly did not see much of Adam Smith but could hear them perfectly well he sounded mighty fine to me.  Personally love the final song "Do you know what I'm saying?" the most.  Forgot to give Helen the camera to take pics so only caught Adam at the end of his set for pics. 

The bits I did see included some spontaneous dancing from some I believe Latvians in the audience.  I have never seen anybody slowdance to acoustic acts before, so refreshing.  This carried on right through Tim Reid's set....see below!

It was great to see Tim Reid again after the IPO which believe it or not was in May!!!  Glad my gig was his first one since, although we definately need more of these real soon.  Tim was outstanding and it was great to hear "Any Given Day" again.

Up next was Recreation whom I have not had the pleasure in seeing before but loved the Myspace tracks and heard many a good thing about them from my other Southampton lovelies.  Well they certainly did not disappoint me!  Personally loved "Please don't Leave" and also witnessed most obscure cover ever as they sang Britney Spears' "Toxic".  Took me a while to put my finger on which song it was.   

The Four Last things now took the stage and for a bit of this swopped jobs with Mark in the box office so I could see these guys live as my friend Carl recommends them higly.  Well I loved the sound and certainly was not disappointed at all!  Did not catch many of the song names on the night as I was swanning in and out but been listening to my CD since and love "Anything Goes" - title very apt to me :o)

Well next is the highlight of my night and what I was looking forward to most as The Warm is a band I am totally and utterly in love with.  Everytime I hear these guys I want to move to Southampton, just so I can be close.  Was especially loving dancing with Jack "the voice" Sangster, fellow Warm fan who turned into drunken roadie!

The Warm sounded great again tonight and loved "Nothing left to Say", "All that you are" and then finishing on the best ever rendition (well apart from the one at Rock City) of "Swim" which Nick dedicated to me so kindly.  I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it!

I was amazed at tonight's turnout and thanks to my friends who joined us, and especially Richard Snow driving all the way from Nottingham and back for the show.  Rhakee and cousins, Chris, Mark, Elena & of course Roadie/Photographer/Moral Guide/Spellcheck Helen.

Had great banter with Jack and some Warm fans outside by the car before heading off back to hotel via off licence as I had not had a drink all night.  Got back to hotel and ordered some room service and all we could get was sandwiches £6 a sandwich!!!  Then of course we had some fun with the self timer on the camera, took a few shots to get it right though :o)
See you next month in Camden!!!

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