Tuesday 10 October 2006


Well we all know how much this girl loves The Goo Goo Dolls and seeing them again was absolutely amazing.  First time I managed to get up front which means I have some cracking pictures (despite one of the security telling me during support band to put camera away).

I also met Robby and Brad beforehand and got this picture taken with Robby.  Story of my life - I always get the ugly one!!!  But he is sweet and I love him anyway. 
Then sat in the queue from about 4pm onwards to ensure my spot up front and it was so bloody worth it!!!

Support band were ok but I did not like the front man which sort of detracted from the music a little.  But The Tenderbox will no doubt be selling some records so check them out.  They sang one song which was sort of very New Order towards the end, featuring the keyboards and I really liked that one.

I have no voice left after screaming my head off as soon as the Goo's took the stage.  They opened up with "I'll Stay With You" and then Flowerpot's fav "Slide" - Ok so I also have a set list - a SIGNED setlist :o) so not gonna bore you. 
Will mention we got "Name" which I love and I finally got to hear "Can't Let it Go" live which to me is the catchiest tune on the "Let Love In" album and for sure has to be a single at some point.  We had classics like "Iris", "Black Balloon", "Broadway" but sadly no "Big Machine" or "Here is Gone". 

Encore consisted of my fav song "Become" which I managed to video most of thanks to Tom :o)  Night was finished off with "Give a little Bit" and everyone knows this one so the singing was superb.  Setlist had "Without you Here" on but they went off stage as it was curfew.

Anyway here is a small sample of my 120 pictures :o)
Robbie - a face only a mother can love ;-P
Mike on drums
The gorgeous Brad on guitar
Everytime I try to get a picture of Johnny he had his hands in front of his face!!
Finally one of Johnny's beautiful smile :o)
My finest one...
We then proceeded to the car park to wait as I was not leaving until I met Johnny.  First out was Robby and I took loads of piccies for fans.
Then came Mike and it was his birthday so more hugs and birthday wishes and he was lovely too.
Finally a good hour after everybody else came the man himself.  Johnny Rzeznik, a little on the flying side, claming that people made him smoke lol.  He was hillarious and very entertaining. 
I grabbed hold of him as I was freezing so he lifted up his shirt and told me to warm my hands.
He then leaned over and kissed me very nicly on the lips, pulled away and repeated it again just a little longer.  Why don't people take pictures of these things!!!
He then posed for a picture and I think you can see his mood in this one lol and I am giggling like a school girl!!
Love this pic with Mike, who was an absolute star and humoured me throughout the day, first having lunch together and then sitting on the steps outside the venue all afternoon and waiting for hours afterwards.  Thanks mate - you are awesome and I will never forget this.
Last picture of the night was taken with Andy whom we befriended in the car park earlier as we went lurking.  He is stage crew for Robby and such a nice guy.  He gave us all sorts of Goo Goo Dolls goodies as well as some cd's of his own band The Bottoms - I have had a listen and love it!  Hopefully they will be touring at some point.
Dublin on Wednesday can't come soon enough.  Thanks to all my mates Mike, Tom, Mark, Linda and Flowerpot for sharing this with me and to the random boys from Barnsley for selling my spare ticket and keeping us amused in the queue outside.

Ok now I am off to Bridlington to join my mate Helen for a couple of days of resting, armed with 5 litres of wine and some pizza.  Taking laptop but if you  need me, you will probably have to call me.  Is there internet in Bridlington??

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