Friday 20 October 2006

Bridlington to Dublin to Reykjavik to Rome - 20 Oct 06

Well Helen said that would make a catchy title for a blog and she is probably right....made you look didn't it??

Last week spent a lovely couple of days with my good mate Helen in sunny Bridlington in a caravan.  To be honest we saw mostly the inside of the caravan because the times when it was not raining, we were nursing hangovers from hell.

And if you look at these pics of Helen you can see why there were hangovers!
I have some video footage too of a very intoxicated mate, and as soon as I learn how to compress a video I will upload it so you can all have a good laugh....I am such a biatch!!
Last day before I came home we went for a walk along the beach and here are some of my best piccies.
Well I got back this morning from Dublin for my final Goo Goo Dolls encounter of the year (all say AWW).  I was away for 14 hours and it still cost me £20 to park my bloody car!!!  So much for cheap flights.  It nearly cost me a whole deal more as the guy at the check in desk wanted me th throw all  my make up away as I past through security as no liquids allowed in hand luggage.  Obviously men have no idea how expensive make up is.  So after clearing exactly what I was allowed to bring, too my make up back to the car.
Was met at the airport in Dublin by Mick, who also kindly sorted out these tickets for the Goo Goo Dolls.  I knew that he liked one or two songs, but I had no idea he actually knew 5. 

We went for a nice Thai meal near the Temple Bar area before heading off to the Olympia for the gig.  When we arrived The Tender Box had already started their set and the place was packed and we were right at the back.  I will say that I enjoyed The Tender Box more this time and not entirely sure why...still did not get a CD as the queues for merchandise were far too long, but I am sure I will catch them on their UK tour at some point.  Pictures are not great as they were taken from a distance.  I was actually getting quite upset as I could not get any nice ones from where I was standing.

The Olympia Theatre errupted as the Goo Goo Dolls took the stage and I was beaming from ear to ear as I was singing away to "I'll Stay With You".  The set was a little different and I was delighted to hear "Here is Gone" and "Without You Here" which was sadly lacking from the Nottingham gig.  But best addition was Robby singing "January Friend" which I saw live in Birmingham earlier this year but not in London or Nottingham.
About 4 songs in a guy appeared at the back and handed me an armband.  I got ever so excited thinking it was some kind of aftershow party.  I asked him what it was for and he told me that if I put it on and showed it at the front I would be let into the exclusive area at the front.  So I asked for one for my mate too.  We went past security and stood right up front, BLISS!!
It was quite funny that Johnny never slagged off Ronan Keating before singing "Iris" for obvious reasons.  He does not realise however, that Irish people can't stand him either and he probably would have got the biggest cheer from the Irish lol!
I felt a little sad during the encore and even though "Become" always makes me cry anyway, I felt specifically sad that this was the end.  I managed to wave goodbye to Andy before leaving the Theatre. 
Met up with the Tender Box boys in the lobby and gave Joey hugs from Lizzy and took some pictures.
As we left to the side we saw Johnny's body guard and I am sure I would not have to have waited for 3.5 hours after the show to actually see Johnny there.

We went from the Theatre to a few pubs on Temple Bar and the first one had some live music.  Acoustic covers and the guy singing was brilliant, I knew every song and loved it completely.  It was then time, before we moved to the next.  Only had one drink there and then moved on to Buskers or some place where we drank till 2.30am before waiting in the cold for the bus back to the airport.  We got there about 4am and it was not long before I could check in.  Had McDonalds breakfast before departing.

I had a really nice time tonight, in between the arguing, but that is what happens when you go to gigs with exs.  So thank you very much Mick for organising this, the gig was Super!!  Thanks to Goo Goo Dolls for singing all 5 songs Mick knew :o)
Slept most of today which is why I am awake now.  Saw my friend briefly tonight and just been taking it easy whilst contemplating what to take for Reykjavik as Kate and I are heading for deepest darkest Iceland.  How lucky are we?  So you know why neither of us will be on here till Monday night.  Its gonna be hard but I am sure we can manage.
Then I have a couple of days to recover from all the drunken debauchery with Kate before heading off to Rome for a week.  Jetsetter indeed (thanks for that Helen) - it really is a hard life, I am barely coping...

However before Rome is the next Great Escape at Junktion 7, so get your asses down there for some fab music as usual!

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