Wednesday 4 October 2006

Chat up lines....

Hmmm no music theme here tonight.  However will mention that I just saw Ben of The 45 Rebellion doing an acoustic gig in Derby and he was fooking awesome!!  "I'll be gone" - WOW!!

Ok title of blog is chat up lines.... come on you must have all had some crackers in the past, I know I have.  But in all honesty tonight's one will take some beating.
Wait for it.....*drum roll*...."come back to my place I will buy you a take-away!!"  How smooth is that??

I suppose it beats other "great" ones I have had in the past such as...
"You don't sweat much for a fat chick!"

"You are very pretty, you have Bruce Lee cheekbones!"  wtf?

"I wanna bang ya babe!" and if that was not bad enough it was follwed by "yeah I wanna slip you a length"

Come on amuse me here with some of your best chat up lines, either ones you have given or received in the past.  I wont tell anyone...

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