Sunday 21 July 2013

House gig number 1 - Liverpool

I send Rob a text on Friday night to see if he wanted me to come to the house gig as I had nothing to do with sorting it out.  He told me to come if I wanted to and to meet him at his house so we can go together.  We sat in Rob's house for a while discussing new management and everything that has cracked off in the last week.  I am a happy bunny and hope that new management can make things happen.

We arrived at Doug and Sue's house at about 8pm and no guests had arrived yet. They were lovely hosts and Sue being a child minder had lots of signs stuck all around the house, but the ones tonight referred to people helping themselves to booze and making sure the put money in the tip jar.

Talking of money we saw these lovely napkins lying on the counter and this was the result.

People started arriving and it was lovely to see so many turn out.  I think the final count was 29 but the best bit of all was that you could hear a pin drop as they were most attentive.  Rob made some reference about how weird the situation was and that seem to break the ice.

He played for over an hour but in all honesty it didn't seem like it at all.  I even commented to him that it was short!.

Got chatting to some lovely guests as I was making my way through the crowd to sell some CDs.  I sold 6 in the end which was very good odds considering the amount of people there.  Most seem to enjoy it and it was really nice to see Rob enjoying himself.  

Gemma joined us for the gig and later on went to fetch Charlie.  He was then the star of the show.

Looking forward to more of these.

Here is "Burns" recorded unplugged.

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