Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Crimea for the last time at Jazz Cafe, Camden - 30th July 2013

It is such a sad sad day, made even sadder that I could not persuade a single one of my friends to come and join me.  I listened to the entire discography on the way to London, cried a few tears (ok I sobbed like a baby) and remembered the great gigs I was lucky to be a part of.  I do have some awesome memories of  my time with this band, but why oh why does everything have to come to an end!???

It was Davey's birthday yesterday and I baked him a cake, but when I got to the venue I felt stupid and ended up leaving the cake in the car.  Davey was the first person I saw and I got a lovely long hug from him and he said he would see me later.

In the venue saw nobody I recognised but I didn't care.  I didn't really like either of the opening acts, but that might just have been down to my anticipation as it had been some years.

The gig was immense and can be enjoyed here over and over again!

I bought some vinyl and a CD and all the lads signed it and I held up pretty well.  But it was when I talked to Owen I started to cry.  When I relayed this story to Davey, his reply was "Well Owen will do that to you".

Said my goodbyes too Davey and cried all the way to the car and much of the way home.  The end of an era...

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