Saturday 4 May 2013

Cake Club & Leicester Gig

The setting for today's Guilty Pleasures Cake Club was the lovely Shipley Country Park.  Our hosts were the Derby Lodge Cooperative Tearooms and our profit went to Green Health Enterprise.

It was a beautiful day and I was looking forward to it very much as it has been some months since we have had a meeting.  Loved the venue.

It turned out to be a rather intimate affair but with plenty of cake, thanks to our resident "party caterer" Phil Joy!  This is what the cake buffet looked like.

These are my Rose and Pistachio Turkish Delight Cupcakes

Phil's Rosemary Orange Loaf

Kate's chocolatiest of Chocolate Brownies with nuts

 The likely lot

Beautiful setting.

After cake club I dropped Gemma in Heanor marketplace and Phil and I went to collect Blerina in Nottingham on our way to Leicester.  It was lovely seeing my friend again as well as little Ivy who is getting bigger all the time.

It was with great difficulty that we finally found the venue for tonight.  This after some students showed us the way thinking they would get some cake that Blerina was carrying.  2nd time round we met up with Jackie and then made our way inside.

Set up merch table and waited for people to arrive, and their was not many.  James arrived with some friends and it was nice to see him, even though I had to ask one of his friends to be quiet during Rob's set.

Somebody on facebook commented how this shot looked like a still from Old Grey Whistle Stop - gosh that brings back some memories.

Rob's performance was great tonight and I got to hear "I'm Still Here". Very glad that the two people I dragged to the gig loved Rob so much that they also bought CDs.

I dropped Blerina at Nottingham Contemporary and she was meant to take the cupcakes to her mate for his birthday but ended up leaving them in my boot.  I was very surprised after dropping Phil off home that the cupcakes were still in tact.

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