Thursday 23 May 2013

Liverpool IPO 2013 (Briefly)

Being a regular visit to the International Pop Overthrow (IPO Festival) every year, I was very disappointed this year that all of the bands I liked were on different days, meaning that I couldn't do the usual thing of going on the Thursday night and returning on Sunday.

I decided that the best days for me would be Sunday to Monday.  As Sunday I would get to see both Dlugokecki and Eskimo Blonde and Monday Eskimo Blonde, Emma Stevens & Robert Vincent.

After spending the morning baking some Bakewell Cupcakes and Chocolate Cupcakes for Dlugokecki, I made may way to Liverpool to arrive in glorious sunshine just in time at the Cavern Club back stage for Dlugokecki to take the stage.

They played a blinding set with most of the songs from the "Putting the Tracks in Front of the Train" album.  We also had "Too Many Borders" & "Save my Soul" and they finished the set with "All Stations".

Boyd is obviously multi talented.

Phil and Deb arrived during the last song and I sat with them while we listened to Dropkick.  I know they are a favourite of Helen's but it didn't really do it for me.  Don't get me wrong they are good at what they do and as much as I like some harmonies.  I do not like entire songs to be harmonies, there needs to be some distinctive vocals for me and I found the vocals to be a bit wishy washy!

After Dropkick I went to grab a Subway and went to the hotel to go and check in.  The hotel is only around the corner so I was looking forward to the convenience.  Very smart hotel offering free cheese and wine in lobby at 5pm.  So I went to check out my room.

It was compact to say the least but it was perfectly ok for one person even though it is a double room.  The view from the window was pretty spectacular though, sadly the sun is in the way!

This is the view from the lift on the way out.

I then made my way to the Cavern Pub for the 2nd Dlugokecki instalment.

On after them was 4th Street Traffic.  I remembered these guys from last year when they played in Eric's before Eskimo Blonde.  I also remembered how much I loved the vocals and how I had one of their CDs at home.  I thoroughly enjoyed them again!

I said my goodbyes to Ben & Andy and then made my way back to the Cavern Club back stage to see The Wheels.  I remember thinking how gorgeous the bass player was phwoarrr!

After them I got the chance to see 4th Street Traffic for the 2nd time and it was even better as the Cavern pub is not really equipped to deal with really loud bands.

After 4th Street Traffic I decided to call it a night as I was falling asleep.  Then made my way back to the hotel to see this lovely night time view.

Woke up in the morning with a call from Rob saying that he had a meeting and then he will bring baby Charlie to come and meet me.  I got up and went for a nice breakfast and then did some shopping.  Got caught up in the American Candy shop and seeing all these different flavours just made me look more forward to going to USA.

Rob and Charlie came to meet me in Costa and I couldn't wait to get him out of the buggy.  So I looked after Charlie whilst daddy got a coffee.  Aww to say he is adorable is putting it mildly.  I was all overcome with emotion, he is a little sweetheart!  He got a bit grumpy and wanted to go back into his buggy after I gave him some milk and then dropped to sleep.

Woken up again, but still not impressed.

Daddy clapping hands with Charlie.

Rob then left and I went for another spot of shopping before heading back to Costa for one last coffee before the gig.  This guy was sat next to me pounding his fist against his chest and he suddenly went into what looked like cardiac arrest.  So he is now lying on the floor and I am trying to resuscitate him.  They called an ambulance but luckily he came to and then told me he had  heart murmur and this kind of thing sometimes happens.  Took ambulance over 15 minutes to get there, I never want to be dying in Liverpool!

I then went to the Cavern Pub to go and see Emma Stevens.  I missed the first couple of songs so sneaked in.  She had a great crowd and got a lovely reception and ended off the set by dedicating "Once" to me.  It was a lovely gesture.

After Emma, I stuck around a bit longer and caught a band from the Netherlands called Marty and the Graveyard.  I really liked this pop band and the tunes were quite catchy.

I got a tad mesmerised with the keyboard player as he was so into it and kept hitting the tambourine against the side of the keyboard really hard.

When they finished I went across the road to make sure I got a good spot for Rob in the back room of the Cavern.  I then saw Helen and Mark and Phil and Deb just as Dave Rave took the stage.  This brought back memories of my very first drunken IPO where Dave gave me a CD.  He was his usual entertaining self and I was glad I didn't miss him.

He called David Bash on stage to join him for the last song.

Two singing together.

It was finally Rob's turn on the IPO stage this year and I got my first glimpse of some new talent in the band.  It was a lovely set and it was nice to see so many have come out to see him play.

A nice one of Mike

I like this one of Rob

Said my goodbyes and made my way home after talking to some people outside the club for ages.  I said to Rob that I had to work the following day and that I wouldn't make it back to Liverpool.  

Well low and behold I was back again the following night and arrived just in time to see The Ladykillers.  OMG!! What a fucking joke!!!  You had the dad and two of his sons and two old blokes in the band.  They were dreadful and so up their own arses.  I was very glad when they finished.  Ladykillers my ass, who were they fooling?!

Rob was then on next and got joined on stage tonight by Bongo Pete who told me last night he was playing but him and his friend were very very drunk.  I liked the touch of the extra percussion but think it would have been better on the bigger stage as there was just too  much going on for the Cavern.  It was packed though and people loved it.

Soon as it finished I said goodbye to Rob and his parents and came home via the dock to try and capture what looked like a spectacular sunset.

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