Tuesday 7 May 2013

Darvel Music Festival

Jackie very kindly offered me a lift, so I agreed to meet her somewhere on her way near Stoke at 10am.  I researched on Streetview and in the absence of any nearby lay byes I finally found a retail park so sent her the postcode.  I had to get up at 8.30am to get showered and packed before leaving.  I got to Jackie about 10 minutes late and we were on our way.

We were making good time, so decided to stop at Tebay for some lunch.  Jackie had soup and cake and I had a lovely beef roast dinner.  I figured the next meal would be after the gig and I was right!

Just before getting to Darvel we passed Loudon Hill which is a volcanic plug.  It was very unusual and I had to stop for a photo.

We then arrived in Darvel and drove straight through Darvel.

Until we saw this up near the Town Hall.

Rob and Danny arrived shortly after us and we were all a bit unsure as the town looks a bit "grim" so we had no idea what to expect.  

We arrived at the Town Hall as Mull Historical Society were doing their sound check.  So we discussed merch and they offered to do it for us.  Rob suggested I take the night off for a change.  I felt that I would be best placed at the merch desk to be able to convince people they NEED a Life in Easy Steps CD.  So I said we would go up front and watch Rob and then join the merch desk after.

Roddy Hart was next to sound check and then finally came Rob's turn.  The sound and lighting was awesome and they even had screens on the side of the stage.

We then had a bit of an anxious wait as doors opened at 7pm and Rob was on at 7.20.  Jackie and I assumed our positions up front and people started to dribble in slowly and my neck was hurting as I kept looking over my shoulder to see if the room is filling up.  But by 7.20pm the room was pretty full, and I was delighted.  

I thoroughly enjoyed tonight's performance.  The bass was such a great addition, especially during Life in Easy Steps.  Also loving "You Wouldn't Let It" at the moment. 

Set List was:

  • Light of the Stars
  • Burns
  • Riots Cry
  • Blue
  • You Wouldn't Let It
  • Life in Easy Steps
  • How Do You Sleep
  • The Passage
  • The Bomb
  • Demons

I was cracking up during "How Do You Sleep" as Rob got all the verses mixed up, but I suppose nobody else would have noticed.

During the break I went outside for a breather and I got talking to Rob, Danny and Albert who referred to himself as "The Marvel of Darvel".  I had to insist I was too much woman for him.  He was quite a character though and it was pretty hilarious.  I asked him to pose for a photo and this shows just how cheeky the bugger is!

Next on stage was Roddy Hart and The Lonesome Fire. I enjoyed most of it but in particular a song Roddy sang on his own with piano and a cover of "Up on Cripple Creek" by The Band.

Danny parting with some wine he got in the rider.

Rob with Sheila who is one of the Organisers of Darvel Music Festival.

Danny signing some CDs

Rob with the compere lady.

Last on was Colin McIntyre and the Mull Historical Society.  If I used my usual 3 song rule, I would have left after the 3rd song as the first half of the set was quite poor.  He more than made up for it though with a cracking second half.  This just makes me think that perhaps he does not have enough good songs to play a 90 minutes headline slot.

Rob with Roddy Hart

Rob signing more CDs

I can see you...

Really loved the fabulous lighting!

Well we stayed until the end and I can honestly say never judge a book by its cover.  This was a delightful little festival which was very well organised and the sound and lighting was second to none.  The people were friendly and I will definitely look to return in the future.

I then drove Rob's car to Glasgow and Jackie and Danny followed.  We got to Sauchiehall Street and I checked us in.  We got a really awesome apartment and pretty much each had our own space.  We then went in Jackie's car in search of a curry, hoping that Kama Sutra would be open.  Sadly it was closed along with every other curry house in the vicinity!  Jackie had to drive round the block 3 times before we finally found a noodle house.  Ordered take away and I got Jackie some chips.  We then went back to the apartment and had some food and wine and told tales of a lovely day we had.

We got talking about artists we didn't like years ago but like now and the quite of the night came from Rob (a rather intoxicated Rob) when he said:  "I fucking love Prince, but not in a I wanna touch him kind of way"!

We went to bed around 2.30am and rose with the birds as Jackie does not seem to need any sleep!  After coffees and showers we vacated around 10:30 and went our separate ways.  Jackie kindly drove me back to my car via several shops in search of those illusive Ecclefechan tarts.  I managed to stock up on some Scotch Pies and Macaroni Cheese Pies, which I managed to leave in her car after all that!

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