Friday 30 December 2005

Tom Wardle @ Lord Clyde, Kimberley 29 Dec 05

Well its been a record year for gigs as tonight completes my 129th of the year!!! Not bad going, considering that most of them have been miles away and that my Nectar card is looking very positive!

Tonights gig however was special and it was very local (which makes a bloody change!)  I had the pleasure of witnessing something beautiful and the artistry of a talented young man called Tom Wardle.  Remember the name as I am positive that you will hear more about him in the future.

Tonight's gig was an acoustic set made up mostly of covers but luckily for us Tom managed to slip in a good bit of his own stuff.  This gig was heaven for any Oasis, Beatles, Jam, Stereophonics and Squeeze fan in the house and it seemed like he could go forever.

Obviously having excellent rapport with his fans, Tom had people up on stage doing some of the chorus and generally got most of the crowd involved.  He played for more than 3 hours!!! 

Hearing "Seaside" live was a special treat and him singing it twice even better.  Must say that I also loved the change of tempo with "Revolver" but based purely on energy and passion have to vote "Nothing to get up for" as my favourite performance of the night! 

A good night was had by all and this girl is buzzing, really hoping I can make it 130 gigs this year, will just have to find something in Brussels :)

Happy New Year one and all!!

Saturday 17 December 2005

Story One @ Wimbledon Watershed 15 Dec 05

What a strange evening this was!  It was such a mad rush to get there and turned up at 9.15 in the fear that I would have missed half the set and after spending 4 hours on the road, I would have been mortified.

But instead got there to be told they wont be on till 10.30pm.  We went to grab a bite to eat and back to the Watershed.  A very quaint little live music venue and the sound was excellent.

Was even more shocked two find two bands on before Story One that were fellow countrymen and seeing these South African artists made me feel like I was back home.  So that was just a bonus :o)

Story One came on late but boy was it worth waiting for!!!  The performance can only be described as electric.  The band are so "together" and the atmosphere it creates is just breathtaking.  I was totally engrossed by the energy and passion coming from the stage, despite the dancing ladies doing their best to distract my attention.
Special moment for me was when Tom dedicated "Disposable" to me.  Usually I would sing along but I stood there and enjoyed the moment.  I do love that song and actually find the lyrics quite apt for various reasons...

The night finished on a high with an impressive performance of "Delhi Funeral" and Tom doing a spot of acrobatics.  God I love this band....and I am so much looking forward to Sunday 29th January 2006 when the boys will be performing at my Charity Gig in aid of CancerBACUP.  Information for the Live Music 4 Charity event can be found on

Trip home was eventful too as got as far as Baker Street to find we had missed the last tube to Watford.  Then got on a tube to Uxbridge got off at Harrow on the Hill, took a bus to Wealdstone and then a taxi to Watford.  Arrived at the car at 2.30am lol.  Arrived home shortly before 5am.  So if you do the maths, spent the guts on 9 hours travelling for 40 minutes music.  Yes a tad crazy but does this not tell you something...?

Tom, Barny, Gerald and Mike
= Story One

Wednesday 14 December 2005

Embrace @ Rock City 13 Dec 05

I guess I am going to have to get some sleep one of these nights, but there will be plenty of time for sleeping when I am dead!

This evening has been another one of those electrifying ones, that leave you buzzing and wanting for more.  Second time round for me seeing Embrace, first time was earlier this year in Leeds at Millennium Square and remember leaving a bit disappointed that day as the sound was not up to much.

Danny and the boys rocked today and I was completely blown away by much of their new album.  It seems the boys are coming back with a more "rockier" sound.

Of course they sang all the favourites including "Gravity", "All you good good people", "Come back to what you know", "Fireworks", "Ashes", "Someday" and a splendid cover version of Greg Lake's classic christmas song.

The night started off splendidly by support band Anechoic who had an interesting sound and I really enjoyed them too.

Tomorrow night office Christmas Party - wonder how much sleep I will get then.

Tuesday 13 December 2005

Blondie @ Royal Centre - 12/12/05

Yes its 2.30 am and I am still buzzing after witnessing a great performance from Blondie tonight.  A bit surprised to find that the beautiful Debbie Harry is no longer blonde! 

Nicest surprise came in the support act who was Hugh Cromwell ex Stranglers and I was quite shocked that I remember some of their music  obviously a mis-spent childhood! 
God I wish that I will look like Debbie Harry when I am 50 plus, actually I wish I looked like that now!!  She looked breathtaking and still knows how to move.

They sang all their greatest hits "Good Boys", "The Tide is High", "Rapture", "Call Me", "Hanging On The Telephone", "Picture This" and then "One Way Or Another" finished off the set beatifully and had everyone on their feet.
For the encore we had "Atomic" and the show ended with "Heart of Glass".  Must not forget to mention the excellent rendition of the Roxy Music song "More than This".  Only disappointment of the night was that they did not do "Denis".
Well another gig in my journey into the past, and at the end of everyone I seem to feel a little older... 

Thursday 8 December 2005

Story One @ The Social 7th Dec 05


Ok  back to my review....

The night started off brightly with Lee and I going for a girly dinner before Mike met us outside.  I dragged the pair of them kicking and screaming as they had never heard of Story One, but took my word for it that they were great.  I can categorically confirm that they two of them have been converted.

The show opened up with some local Nottingham talent in a guy called Joe Jones.  He was very original and had a really good voice, but honestly found him a bit depressing.  I guess its a mood thing but definitely worth checking out.

Next act up was a group called Felix - very interesting mix use of instruments and Felix reminded me very much of Bjork.  It was a really cool set.

Jont came on next and he started off a bit depressing but I then thought I was at a Coldplay vs Embrace gig.  He was really good, stunning vocals and the songs were lyrically impressive.  I will definitely look out for him.

Then of course came Story One and started off with the sound not quite being right, but 2nd song really got me going.  Then they sang Beggars Belief, title song of the new EP and that just blew me away.  I have always compared front man Tom Evans with the voice of Kelly Jones of Stereophonics, but now I think Kelly Jones sounds like Tom Evans :o)

I find it hard to put into words the energy that was coming from the stage at especially during the bits where the violin was being played.  It is an unique sound that is a must to experience. 

We even had a funny moment when they had to stop halfway through a song because the violin was unplugged and then frontman managed to break the bass guitar.  Luckily Felix bass player came to the rescue.  It was quite amazing that the boys knew exactly where they left off.

I was totally overwhelmed when they performed Disposable as its my favourite Story One track, and just thinking about it now gets me all nostalgic all over again!  They finished the set off with a great rendition of Delhi Funeral.

If I can have one critism of the evening is the fact that the session was not long enough and certainly left my friends and I wanting for more. 

Talking to the lads before and especially after made the night even more memorable.  Story One for me is the next big thing and I wish Tom, Mike, Barny and G all the best until I see them again :o)!

Tuesday 6 December 2005

Rufus Wainwright - Sheffield City Hall - 3rd Dec 05

Having just got home like the dirty stop out I am, the first thing I want to do is share with you my amazing experience with Rufus last night.

There were a few humbling moments in the show and this started off with the support act the Guillemots.  What a voice!!  Shades of Bono at times but the music was quite diverse and a very interesting use of strange instruments.  When they performed their new single "Trains to Brazil" it was pretty amazing.  Definitely ones to watch out for -Guillemots Website

Then came Rufus opened up with his band and sang "Oh What a World" then completely blew me away with a wonderful rendition of "No Kidding".  This was most definitely a goosepimply emotional moment.  He continued to do that and played a new song (very tongue in cheek) called "Between my legs"....lyrics being..."....and I shed a tear between my legs" :o)
Towards the end Rufus and the band disappeared and came back dressed in Togas and did some dancing and this was by far one of the funniest things I have ever seen.  Rufus' Toga was then removed and he then performed the amazing "Gay Messiah" complete with cross and crossdressing!

Rufus came back on for his encore and sang my favourite song "Hallelujah" and again I was moved - wow!  Sang a couple more songs and then in a very "self-deprecating" manner bid the crowd goodnight.  But nobody was going anywhere and after the 3rd standing ovation of the night Rufus came back on.

He then sang "Complainte De La Butte" which was recorded for the Moulin Rouge soundtrack - well he is Canadian!  The night was finished off in superb style by his own favourite "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk"

What a Man - What a Voice!! 

Monday 5 December 2005

Human League @ Rock City - 4th Dec 05

Well this weekend has been topped off with one hell of a gig - Human League can still do it, even though Phil has no hair ;o) 

They opened up in perfect style but 3 songs in came "Lebanon" - the rendition was better than any recorded version I have ever heard.  That really set me up dancing for the rest of the night.

They played all the favourites including "Fascination", "Mirror Man", "Human" and then finished off with "Don't you want me".

They came back on for an encore and sang some trancy number which I did not think a great deal of and then came the highlight of my night "Together in Electric Dreams" and wow it was great.

Really feeling my age however, but it was good not to be the oldest person at the gig for a change ;o)

Might have to have a quiet night in tomorrow night, then again there is Paul Carrack in Birmingham or Madness at Rock City.....wonder where I will end up.

Oh yes only caught last few songs from support band Hoboken, but thoroughly enjoyed it and as Phil Oakey said:  "They are worryingly good!"

Sunday 4 December 2005

Quiet time needed....

So I sit here this Friday evening pondering the strange week I have had.  Highlight of the day definitely picking  up some gig tickets for next week and the week after. 

Blondie tickets really cheered me up but before Blondie I have a few others lined up.

Tomorrow in Sheffield I am going to see Rufus Wainwright - so looking forward to that. 

Then in total contrast Sunday its the Human League at Rock City - wow another blast from the past and me showing my age.  I am sure however it will be very enjoyable.

Then Wednesday is the turn of Story One - a band I love very much.  They are performing 

at the Social on Pelham Street and it will be my 3rd time seeing them. 

Now sitting back relaxing with my JD & Coke listening to some tunes of a band called Betchadupa.  Still undecided but I think I like it :o)

Wednesday 30 November 2005

Protocol @ Sugarmill - Stoke on Trent

I live for live music and you can find me in some  venue around the country at least 3-4 nights a week. 
Saw Protocol for the 3rd time tonight after seeing them support the Bravery twice.

Travelled the 55 miles and apart from the first support band it was a very enjoyable experience once again.  They opened up with "Love is a Drug" which is sort of my 3rd fav song and of course sang my fav "Where's the Pleasure" unfortunately 2nd fav "Headaches Heartbreaks" was not sung due to John's throat being a bit sore. 

But the lads more than made up for it.  The evening was topped off chatting with the lads and I was very impressed with how friendly and down to earth they were.  Loved chatting to every one of them and that Dom is such a cutie :o)

They will no doubt see me at future performances.