Friday 30 December 2005

Tom Wardle @ Lord Clyde, Kimberley 29 Dec 05

Well its been a record year for gigs as tonight completes my 129th of the year!!! Not bad going, considering that most of them have been miles away and that my Nectar card is looking very positive!

Tonights gig however was special and it was very local (which makes a bloody change!)  I had the pleasure of witnessing something beautiful and the artistry of a talented young man called Tom Wardle.  Remember the name as I am positive that you will hear more about him in the future.

Tonight's gig was an acoustic set made up mostly of covers but luckily for us Tom managed to slip in a good bit of his own stuff.  This gig was heaven for any Oasis, Beatles, Jam, Stereophonics and Squeeze fan in the house and it seemed like he could go forever.

Obviously having excellent rapport with his fans, Tom had people up on stage doing some of the chorus and generally got most of the crowd involved.  He played for more than 3 hours!!! 

Hearing "Seaside" live was a special treat and him singing it twice even better.  Must say that I also loved the change of tempo with "Revolver" but based purely on energy and passion have to vote "Nothing to get up for" as my favourite performance of the night! 

A good night was had by all and this girl is buzzing, really hoping I can make it 130 gigs this year, will just have to find something in Brussels :)

Happy New Year one and all!!

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