Thursday 8 December 2005

Story One @ The Social 7th Dec 05


Ok  back to my review....

The night started off brightly with Lee and I going for a girly dinner before Mike met us outside.  I dragged the pair of them kicking and screaming as they had never heard of Story One, but took my word for it that they were great.  I can categorically confirm that they two of them have been converted.

The show opened up with some local Nottingham talent in a guy called Joe Jones.  He was very original and had a really good voice, but honestly found him a bit depressing.  I guess its a mood thing but definitely worth checking out.

Next act up was a group called Felix - very interesting mix use of instruments and Felix reminded me very much of Bjork.  It was a really cool set.

Jont came on next and he started off a bit depressing but I then thought I was at a Coldplay vs Embrace gig.  He was really good, stunning vocals and the songs were lyrically impressive.  I will definitely look out for him.

Then of course came Story One and started off with the sound not quite being right, but 2nd song really got me going.  Then they sang Beggars Belief, title song of the new EP and that just blew me away.  I have always compared front man Tom Evans with the voice of Kelly Jones of Stereophonics, but now I think Kelly Jones sounds like Tom Evans :o)

I find it hard to put into words the energy that was coming from the stage at especially during the bits where the violin was being played.  It is an unique sound that is a must to experience. 

We even had a funny moment when they had to stop halfway through a song because the violin was unplugged and then frontman managed to break the bass guitar.  Luckily Felix bass player came to the rescue.  It was quite amazing that the boys knew exactly where they left off.

I was totally overwhelmed when they performed Disposable as its my favourite Story One track, and just thinking about it now gets me all nostalgic all over again!  They finished the set off with a great rendition of Delhi Funeral.

If I can have one critism of the evening is the fact that the session was not long enough and certainly left my friends and I wanting for more. 

Talking to the lads before and especially after made the night even more memorable.  Story One for me is the next big thing and I wish Tom, Mike, Barny and G all the best until I see them again :o)!

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