Friday 30 June 2006

Whitesnake @ Sheffield City Hall - 29 Jun 06

Well we have come to the end of our 80's Rock Band revival and tonight's gig was definately the tip of the iceberg.

I had been looking so much forward to seeing Whitesnake and being practically up front made it all the more enjoyable.

They were bloody amazing and sang all the favourites but song of the night for me was "Here I go Again" which gave me an attack of the goosebumps.  They are such brilliant showmen and David Coverdale was having so much fun and he is quite witty too.

But the night is special for another reason, apart from the bass player, everybody else was so much older than me!  David Coverdale looked a little frayed at the edges to put it kindly, although his voice was distinctly unaffected.  He is 51 and looks like he had a hard life.

Especially when compared to "PHWOARRR" guitarist Doug Aldrich who is 54 and hotter than ever.  I can safely say I never ever thought that I would be lusting after a 50'something  year old.  See for yourself ladies....

This has certainly put a different slant on my recent affinity for floppy/curly haired frontmen!
Just some more random pictures...

I had a great night, even though I feel like shit, and thanks to Mike again for a journey down time.  I can remember saying that they don't make bands like this anymore!
Rounded the night off beautifully with a visit to a certain West Street establishment.....yes the N-word!  Yummy :o)

Ps Support was in the guise of The Answer from Ireland and they were pretty cool.  Hair everywhere and I could not help thinking how much they sounded like Free.  I kept waiting for the lead singer to break into "Alright Now".  They did a 1930's soul cover (cant remember the name) but it was so the best bit of their performance.

Thursday 29 June 2006

Sons of Jim, Jon Curtis & Andrew Balkwill @ Purple Turtle - 28 Jun 06

Roadtrip for Sons of Jim far overdue and Helen always loves an excuse to get off work early.

Went past our lovely Tesco in Watford for those infamous donuts and had some dinner there too.

Some prize twat tried to run us off the road.  His car registration was 36A and I told Helen he was flaunting his bra size...although I believe him to be a much bigger tit than that!
Arrived at the Purple Turtle with no fuss whatsoever and found the place to look as I have never seen it before.  There was actually tables and chairs and it was really good to sit down for a gig for a change.

Sons of Jim were on first and once they started we were in heaven.  Remembered why we love these guys so much.  Beautiful harmonies, superb songwriting and of course performed impressively every time.  We were treated to a new song which name escapes me.  Loved "Burning Sun" the new single but I have two gripes - set not long enough and no "On the Outside"!

Next up, and an addition to original line up, was Jon Curtis who hails from Trinidad.  He completely had me mesmerised with his beautiful voice and his very personal songs.  Still listening to song called "Shine" which almost made Helen and I cry.  There was one funny song about getting famous and being noticed, all about A & R people - very entertaining.  Will certainly venture down south to see him again or perhaps bring him up north!

Headlining tonight was Andrew Balkwill who arrived on stage and it could have been Ben Folds up there.  He thoroughly entertained us with his quirky piano-led music.  Loved every song and Helen mentioned how much Mr Snow would like them too.  How are we going to fit in all these southerners?

Another great road-trip with Helen and think I can safely say this has been the best nights music for me (where I did not choose the line-up) in a long time!
And in similar vain....roll on Whitesnake tonight lol!

Wednesday 28 June 2006

twenty5stories at Mr Grundy's Tavern - 24 Jun 05

Been looking forward to see these guys live for a few weeks now.  Helen, Mark and I went to Baracuda for some SA delights and met with Kate there.  Food was a bit disappointing tonight but things can only get better.

Managed to find the venue without getting lost and for Derby that is bloody amazing!!  It was lovely set in the back garden of nice pub under a gazebo and there was a BBQ.

I had been looking forward to seeing twenty5stories for some weeks now. The lads waved to us as we arrived and shortly after we were introduced to David (Bass player).  They went on and did their first set which seem to have a bit of distortion on the vocals but was still enjoyable enough.  Did a fab cover of Seal's "Crazy" along with some of their original stuff.

We chatted a bit during the break and I was introduced (with hugs) to the rest of the guys Gaz, Ross, Graeme (whose name I thought was Grimm, hence me saying it was not a nice name!) as well as Sally (I think) the newest member. 
Below is Phil (Alistair McGowan) posing...

Second set kicked off with "Sneakers" but sadly no piano.  I still loved it all the same.  After use of acoustic guitar technical difficulties seem to be resolved and sound was perfect.  They played a song that had "becoming" in the title and it was ace, sorry cannot remember the name.  Also covers of my fav Green Day track "Good Riddance" as well as wonderful Dave Grohl impersonation with "Learning to Fly".
Had much fun and laughter afterwards and in the clubs with Phil, Helen, Kate, Mark and the rest of the boys...where much of rest of night is a daze.  Although I can remember an in-depth music conversation with Ross and it seems I have found my "Musical Soulmate".
Look at the couple in the background...

Looking forward to catching these guys again and almost feel like dragging them to Leeds on Sunday :o)

Amsterdam......oh yes and Robbie Williams

Ok so I enjoyed Robbie Williams, he is an excellent showman and he can sing! 
Nearly missed our flights to Amsterdam as we could not find bloody Leeds Bradford Airport!  Checked in with 5 minutes remaining and then found that the plane was delayed.

Got to Amsterdam and got shuttle to nice hotel dropped bags off and made our way to Amsterdam Arena.  Most expensive taxi I had ever been in that cost 50 Euro each way for 10 kilometres!!!

Robbie was supported by Basement Jaxx which was good but not my cup of tea.
Next day in Amsterdam was started off with a visit to the Sex Museum - hmmm somehow 1800's porn did not do it for me but it was quite entertaining none the less.  Apparently I am always surrounded by huge knobs so this pic is pretty cool!

We then went to Anne Frank House where it was definately a bit more cultures and a very emotional journey that gave more of an insight to the terrible times for Jews during the war.

Had nice cruise on the canals and went past loads of churches and the Rijksmusem, Nemo Museum, etc etc.

Just some random pics...

Not enough time to see it all, but all the more reason to go back again.

Tuesday 27 June 2006

Embrace & Morning Runner at Sherwood Pines - 23 Jun 06

Last minute gig due to Nicki having spare ticket and I did enjoy Embrace in Rock City in December.

Got there half way through first band and still not sure who it was, but it did not exactly float my boat so no matter.

Morning Runner were on next and for me stole the show for me.  The sound was superb and we had great renditions of new single "Oceans" and of course "Burning Benches".  Sadly no "Frayed Edges" but then again Helen was not there to moan about it.

Met up with Luke, Andy, Neal and GF (Sorry forgot name) and we watched most of Morning Runner together but when Embrace came on we had to move once I got some close up pics of Danny.

Embrace sadly did not impress me as I realised that Danny could not sing at all and found it very difficult hitting some of the notes.  The sound was crap but after Morning Runner, realised that there was nothing wrong with the was the band!

Luke then said how Danny was a studio artist and that the live stuff had always been a bit ropey.  I did not think it was bad in Rock City in December, so not quite sure what to think now.

Anyway we enjoyed all the songs but I did not get "Fireworks" from Embrace and I can't even get Newsum Turn to sing it for me.  I seem to have lost my powers of persuasion.
Also bumped into Carl and Charlotte as well as Nicki's other friends - what are the odds amongst 6000 people??

Said our goodbyes at about 11pm and at 1.30am Nicki and I were still in the car park.  We were first in and obviously last out!

Friday 23 June 2006

These things are sent to test us....

Well I am finally ready to talk about it and I think the wine I had tonight has probably helped me to come to this conclusion...

I went to the hospital on Monday for my test results.  Was kind of strange going back there after being chemo free for 3 weeks now.  Sadly did not get the results I was hoping for and understandably this has upset me a little bit.

The doctor explained to me that there was about a 30% improvement in my Lymphoma and that another course of chemo was the best answer.  They are always saying that there are new medicines out and he wants to try something different this time.  He actually wanted to start there and then, but I had to get my head round things all over again.

I ended up walking more than 5 miles from the hospital to my house (well my car was in Wales) and as Davey of the Crimea sings "...just don't mention Tuesday..."
It was kind of strange though as I did not realised I walked that far.  Anyone that knows me, knows that I drive 200 yards to the tram stop to go into town, because I am a lazy cow that does not do walking, so walking 5 miles was definately a shock thing.

Getting to grips with this makes you put things into categories and whilst part of me does not want the constant sickness and crappy side effects, the other part of me has so very much to look forward to.  Life is so good to me most of the time (you would not have guessed it this week) but it is!  I have come to realise one thing:  I do not want to die!!! Well not yet anyway, fuck it I am not ready and that is that.

So Monday we start again!  Buckets at the ready, with fingers crossed, hoping and praying that I am well enough to enjoy the 16th July!

In the meantime I met some nice people at lunch and hopefully can tell you more about that tomorrow.  Whilst at lunch got the excellent news that BC Camplight (all the way from Philly) are going to be playing my Snow Patrol aftershow Party.  Helen and I got a little excited when I got that phone call, but that totally made my day.  Oh btw lunch at Bar Seven - YUMMY!!!

Monday 19 June 2006

Late Room Manchester last night and Leicester tonight - 19 June 06

Well what a great night musically as I had 3 bands I love very much perform...what more could a girl want??  Specifically not mentioning the 4th band as I really don't wanna talk about it..

The 45 Rebellion opened up the show and duly rocked Manchester and by the looks of it managed to get a few fans in the process.  Thorougly enjoyed the performance again lads and thanks a bunch for my special dedication and humble apologies as the name of the song escapes me!

We will move straight on to the 3rd band The Stawls, whom I discovered at the Liverpool IPO, and whose music I fell in love with.  The sound in the Late Room was incredible and the music even better.  Still think my favourite songs are "Fall" and "High on Life".  Was nice to meet the rest of the guys and got some great hugs :D

Headlining was Newsum Turn who never disappoint me.  Every time I see these guys is like the first time, only I now know the songs.  Its also getting harder to pick favourite song as they are all brilliant.  But I am especially enjoying "Take a Bow" and "Wanting More" live.  Luke made a lovely dedication of my favourite "Corners" which was really sweet.  You are my joy ;o)!

I was a bit disappointed about the piss poor turnout and Manchester let us down a little.  But also wanted to apologise profusely to those fans who were under 18 that could not get in.  I was assured by the day manager that there would be no problem but the duty manager did not want the responsibility. 

Thanks to my mates Helen and Gareth for coming all that way.  Those of you who said you would be there and did not come....shame on you!!

Actually I have just got in from a Newsum Turn gig at The Charlotte in Leicester where they were supporting The Heights.  This was by far the best these guys have ever sounded and really glad I came along.  Another brilliant set, that does not need me talking about it, but the more I hear the more convinced I am that this band is made for the bigger stage.