Monday 19 June 2006

Def Leppard @ Hallam Arena - 17 June 2006

Ok so I have like waited 6 years for this day after missing last time they toured this day could not come soon enough.
Got to the Arena pretty early and got quite a nice spot too, well that was till some tw*ts stood in front of them and Mike kindly moved them out of the way.  It was kind of funny and I felt rather special.

Gig kicked off with The Sensational Alex Harvey Band and we all know I do not like to slate bands, but in all honesty the only sensation I was left with was the relief when they finally left the bloody stage! Enough said...

Next up was a band called "Cheap Trick" from America somewhere.  It was a bit better than first band but not a great deal.  I did recognise one of the songs though but only because "Letters to Cleo" did a cover of it for the movie 10 things I hate about you.  "I want you to want me" was about the highlight of this performance.  Apparently this band did the theme song for "The 70's show" - sorry meant nothing to me!

Well what can I say about Def Leppard when they finally came on??  I was a little overcome and quite emotional as I never did think I would get to see them play.  I almost did shed a tear during "Love Bites" as its my favourite Def Leppard song.  But they sang all the favourites including "Hysteria", "Rocket", "Animal", "Lets get rocked" and finished the set off with "Rock of Ages".

This being a gig in front of the home fans meant they would not be allowed to go home without an encore.  This duly consisted of "When love and hate Collide" (another fav) and they finished off with the one and only "Pour some sugar on me".

This show was better than I could have imagined and I was grateful for one more night where all the bands were actually  much older than me, a rare thing these days.

I have now managed to tick off one of the things I have to do before I am 40...the list is kind of long and includes things like crowd surfing and streaking but there is still time...NO COMMENTS PLEASE!!! 

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