Monday 19 June 2006

Late Room Manchester last night and Leicester tonight - 19 June 06

Well what a great night musically as I had 3 bands I love very much perform...what more could a girl want??  Specifically not mentioning the 4th band as I really don't wanna talk about it..

The 45 Rebellion opened up the show and duly rocked Manchester and by the looks of it managed to get a few fans in the process.  Thorougly enjoyed the performance again lads and thanks a bunch for my special dedication and humble apologies as the name of the song escapes me!

We will move straight on to the 3rd band The Stawls, whom I discovered at the Liverpool IPO, and whose music I fell in love with.  The sound in the Late Room was incredible and the music even better.  Still think my favourite songs are "Fall" and "High on Life".  Was nice to meet the rest of the guys and got some great hugs :D

Headlining was Newsum Turn who never disappoint me.  Every time I see these guys is like the first time, only I now know the songs.  Its also getting harder to pick favourite song as they are all brilliant.  But I am especially enjoying "Take a Bow" and "Wanting More" live.  Luke made a lovely dedication of my favourite "Corners" which was really sweet.  You are my joy ;o)!

I was a bit disappointed about the piss poor turnout and Manchester let us down a little.  But also wanted to apologise profusely to those fans who were under 18 that could not get in.  I was assured by the day manager that there would be no problem but the duty manager did not want the responsibility. 

Thanks to my mates Helen and Gareth for coming all that way.  Those of you who said you would be there and did not come....shame on you!!

Actually I have just got in from a Newsum Turn gig at The Charlotte in Leicester where they were supporting The Heights.  This was by far the best these guys have ever sounded and really glad I came along.  Another brilliant set, that does not need me talking about it, but the more I hear the more convinced I am that this band is made for the bigger stage.

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