Sunday 11 June 2006

The Crimea, Air Traffic & Jont @ Cardiff - 8 Jun 06

Cardiff here we come again...and with the help of AA had some spiffing directions and I had an excellent co-pilot but Myspace info on the gig sucked!  We were there much much too early and sitting in a student bar, but finally after nearly 2 hours was allowed into the Venue (well we sneaked in - just a pity we had paid online!)

Sat down when I spotted the man himself.  I think those were my exact words...."Ah the man himself, come here Davey I have to give you a hug!"  He put his drink down and hugged me and then sat down and talked to Helen and I for some time.  I was amazed at how surprisingly normal he was as I have been addicted to the blogs as they are a complelling read but I did think he was a little bit strange.  Look for yourself  Davey's Blog.

Bless he was really shy and did not want to pose for pics till after the show.  He was really impressed that we drove from Nottingham and Helen was sporting her Crimea tshirt too.We then watched Air Traffic which were fab and I really enjoyed seeing their piano driven music again.  Loving the new single!  They were followed by Jont whom I saw support Story One last year, but really enjoyed him with band as it was a lot less depressing.

The Crimea came onto the stage and opened up with quiet version of "Opposite Ends", we then had "White Russian Galaxy" which Helen likes.  We had "Bad Vibrations", "Baby Boom" and fab cover of Fleetwood Mac "Everywhere" before finishing on "Lottery Winners on Acid".

After the show went to say our goodbyes and got Davey to pose and to say he was a tad moist is putting it mildly.  But still got my picture and his hugs were great but I smelt of man sweat all the way home.

Still meeting him totally made the night for me and was worth the 7.5 hours in the car!
On way home Helen and I  had to settle for service station sandwiches, yuk and what a rip off...thanks Myspace!

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