Thursday 8 June 2006

This week so far....

Went for a few hours of prodding and poking and lots and lots of tests.  Now the long wait begins as in two weeks time I find out my fate and see whether the last 3 months of hugging the porcelain has actually been worth it. 

If its good news I will no doubt shout it from the rooftops and you will all know about it...but alas not sure how I would handle any more bad stuff...

Only found out by pure fluke that Sandi Thom was performing in Nottingham Fopp today but luckily made arrangements to be there at 1pm as advertised.  Was nice to speak to Marcus and Craig (Sandi's band) before she came on and their hugs are also always tops.  
Sandi came on and opened up with "When Horsepower Meant what it Said".  She then introduced me to the whole crowd as one of the original fans who came to see her when she started out and said that I was "Officially Family Thom".  As sweet as it was, I was the colour of beetroot whilst the audience were applauding.  She then sang "Lonely Girl" and finished off with stunning performance of "I wish I was a Punk Rocker".  That song live is one to be witnessed for sure.

We stayed around till the massive queue died down so I can have a proper chat.  Shared my Snow Patrol news with Sandi and she was not only delighted but asked if she could play (wow No 1 in the country asks to play my gig) official announcement....SANDI THOM to play Snow Patrol gig at Rock City and I will tell you the rest of the bands at the end of the weekend.

She also said that the press had some mix up and some quoted 1pm and some 5pm so she was gonna play twice.  So of course had to come back for 2nd helping.  It also gave me time to go home and fetch some 10 Bands 10 hours tshirts I still had left from last charity gig.  I asked Sandi if she would play my favourite "Castles" and she duly obliged with a dedication.  Also said how that song was personal to her and me for different reasons as it was about how quickly things in life can creep up on you and kick you up the butt when  you least expect it ;o). 

After 2nd show I gave her the tshirts and we could not believe that its 6 months ago now since the 10 bands 10 hours event when nobody had heard of Sandi before.  She said how much she loves memorabelia.

Said our goodbyes and said that I hope to see her Wednesday in London.
I managed to give a Newsum Turn business card to the Sony BMG Midlands Representative who came to watch Sandi....well you never know what might happen!

Then made my way to Malt Cross to see Andy Wright of We Show Up on Radar do an acoustic set.  Helen and Kate joined me and it was much fun.  Helen then went home and Kate and I made our way to Junction 7 for my first meeting with The Henry Road.  I was really dreading this and when the 2nd band Champion Kickboxer was on, I wanted to stick my fingers in my ears and run out of there as fast as I could!!! 

Surprisingly enough, I loved The Henry Road...despite thinking it was not my cup of tea.  Only songs I could remember is "Magnetic Furniture People" as Kate insisted on wearing that rediculous hat with the spoon sewn on to it, that made her look like "Wickedly Witchy of West Hallam".  Also liked the song "Jeff Lynne is five" and the last song "Wizzard Rock".  This one had front man Phil adopting a Karate Kid position on the rail in front of the stage.  I was ever so tempted to walk up and tickle him! 

Got great hugs off Phil, Ben and Jaymiblue.  I will see these boys again I am sure if Kate has anything to do with it :o)

Last minute addition to our road trip was Gareth who fancied a night out in London and asked to come with Helen and I.  Its been months since I have seen Brinkman and was really looking forward to it. 

Had to give Sandi a miss at Covent Garden as the traffic was rediculous.
At Water Rats bumped into Jamie and David of Sons of Jim who were there to support band called Cathead, where the Jeff Buckley influence was quite apparent in some of the songs.  Most of it was really enjoyable, however there were one or two somewhat depressing songs in there.

Brinkman was fab as usual and I got my "Pillow Fix" as well as all the other great really has been too long!  Brief chats with boys outside afterwards during the organised chaos surrounding taxis and super duper hugs as standard.

Thursday is Crimea day and deserves a blog all to itself.....

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