Thursday 29 June 2006

Sons of Jim, Jon Curtis & Andrew Balkwill @ Purple Turtle - 28 Jun 06

Roadtrip for Sons of Jim far overdue and Helen always loves an excuse to get off work early.

Went past our lovely Tesco in Watford for those infamous donuts and had some dinner there too.

Some prize twat tried to run us off the road.  His car registration was 36A and I told Helen he was flaunting his bra size...although I believe him to be a much bigger tit than that!
Arrived at the Purple Turtle with no fuss whatsoever and found the place to look as I have never seen it before.  There was actually tables and chairs and it was really good to sit down for a gig for a change.

Sons of Jim were on first and once they started we were in heaven.  Remembered why we love these guys so much.  Beautiful harmonies, superb songwriting and of course performed impressively every time.  We were treated to a new song which name escapes me.  Loved "Burning Sun" the new single but I have two gripes - set not long enough and no "On the Outside"!

Next up, and an addition to original line up, was Jon Curtis who hails from Trinidad.  He completely had me mesmerised with his beautiful voice and his very personal songs.  Still listening to song called "Shine" which almost made Helen and I cry.  There was one funny song about getting famous and being noticed, all about A & R people - very entertaining.  Will certainly venture down south to see him again or perhaps bring him up north!

Headlining tonight was Andrew Balkwill who arrived on stage and it could have been Ben Folds up there.  He thoroughly entertained us with his quirky piano-led music.  Loved every song and Helen mentioned how much Mr Snow would like them too.  How are we going to fit in all these southerners?

Another great road-trip with Helen and think I can safely say this has been the best nights music for me (where I did not choose the line-up) in a long time!
And in similar vain....roll on Whitesnake tonight lol!

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