Monday 12 June 2006

The Vic Inn Saturday 10th June :o)

Ok well there was a certain football game first and despite my not having any intentions of watching it in the pub, I had to make a detour via pub to bank machine and inevitably ended up in said pub for one drink!  I of course could not stop as I had a gig to sort out.  4 pints later and very drunk, I find myself texting friends like mad to get a lift to Derby.
What a great night we had, everybody was very entertaining and I loved all the performances. 

Adam Smith dedicated a special Goo Goo Dolls song for me and sang "Iris" so beautifully....go and check him out at The Old Bell hotel in Derby tonight.  Gutted I did not see more of Adam's performance, but someone had to man the door.  Got to make sure we go and see him in London.

Confused was just laughter and entertainment from beginning to end with their funny songs like "Killer Heels", "I felt like a Sandwich" at which point Scot Cook threw sandwiches into the crowd...its nice when bands brings everybody food.  "You give me a headache" always makes me smile and we were all singing along.

After what seemed to be forever and hundreds of strange text messages later I spotted Dlugokecki at the train station and brought him over.  He caught last couple Confused songs and then it was his turn to entertain Derby and anyone watching will tell you he surely did not disappoint.

Ben always asks us what we want him to play and then ignores that anyway and plays whatever the hell he wants lol, but let the record show Helen finally got her fav "We are the losers" and the whole crowd was singing along.  She is also glad she was proved right lol!  We had "Hope Song", "Set in Stone" amongst others and fab medley of covers featuring "American Pie", "You can call me Al" and "Brown Eyed Girl".  Loved it totally.
Was nice to finally meet Carl - fellow Story One, Dlugokecki, Newsum Turn and now The Warm fan lol - YOU WILL BE CONVERTED!

Now it was time to ROCK with 45 Rebellion taking the stage.  Ben and I first went for drink and missed first couple of songs and then went "moshing" up front.  Was one of the best gigs I have had in the Vic and it was nice to see the room so full.  I think everyone in there enjoyed themselves and that is all that is important.

Got talked into going to the Bless afterwards and sat their talking and drinking in the garden till 1.30am.  Lots of random hugging and kissing going on and I so dread the pictures that were taken!  I am sure Kate will always remember the conversation we had with Ben regarding....oh well Kate you remember.  I love the way Ben said he felt it very hard not to start playing with your hair, but I think that might have kind of freaked you out.

Left and got home for Ben to pass out on Futon, Mark went home and I ended up on Myspace.

Sunday was lovely too I made Ben some breakfast, then we sat in my room whilst I showed him my CD collection - ha ha!  

Then went for a walk round Tesco as Ben needed a hangover cure.  Come back and invited Helen for lunch.  I cooked some Thai Food and wh ilst it was cooking Ben entertained us with a request slot.  Helen got to hear "We are the losers again" but we also had "Bluebells and Bluebirds", "Barricade", "Perfectionistical" and Flowerpot finally got to hear "You can call me Al". 

Enjoyed lunch and then had to race him to the train station....can only say that this has been one of the mucho coolest days and I loved having him here.  Thanks Ben for coming all this way to play for us, but you know I will go just about anywhere to see you too!
I now want a musician to stay every tell me who is up next?? lol

PS:  I am eating Helen's lovely cake :o) thanks mate!

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