Wednesday 31 May 2006

Nando's, Nerina and Breaks Co-op, Sheffield - 29th May 06

I have been looking forward to for a while now to see Nerina Pallot again as this would be the 5th time.  I was hugely excited at Nerina charting at 13 day before, in what can only be described as the most nail biting chart countdown ever. 

There were so many bands I was rooting for apart from Nerina, including Story One and of course what did cause me to bite my nails Sandi Thom getting to No 2! 

Anyway its been a while since we had Nando's and being so close, well it just makes perfect sense (like I need an excuse).  Finished dinner and made our way to Memorial Hall.  It was a strange little venue which was in the shape of semi circle with the stage on the straight bit and there was a balcony too.  We had seats in 6th row but we were to the side of the stage so was not too impressed with the view.

First we had support band Breaks Co-op which I had been looking forward to seeing so much as I just love "The Otherside" which ended up being their 2nd last song.  I am not quite sure how to describe the genre of the music as it seem to touch many throughout the set.  Frontman Andy Lovegrove has quite a distinctive voice and was quite bluesy at times.  Seemed quite strange to see a DJ on stage for 2nd time in a weekend but luckily Zane Lowe knew what he was doing.  This band is different and definately worth checking out!

Well after hearing a lot of "Everybody's Gone to War" recently I imagined that we were in for quite a "rocky" set and was quite surprised to see a string quartet sitting down next to her on stage.  Nerina sat behind the Grand Piano and she opened her set with "If I know you" which is the first song from her first album "Dear Frustrated Superstar", this was followed by "Idaho".  I remember the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end at the sound of the cello in that song, it was really beautiful.

She played my favourite "Geek Love" and a fabulous cover of Kylie's "Confide in Me". 
Also at the venue in the Oval Hall was Alice Cooper and Nerina commented on how she can now boast sharing a venue with Mr Cooper.  She was quite keen to get the quiet songs out of the way so the noise from next door would not drown her out.  Funniest bit was later on when she said "For once in my life I can say up yours Mr Cooper, I am in the charts and you are not!"

The strings provided the performance with a whole new depth and really complimented Nerina's angelic voice.  Some real goosebumpy moments in there but a fabulous show indeed!

We waited for what seemed to be an eternity afterwards as Mark wanted his CD's signed by Nerina and I wanted to say hello after her and I had been exchanging messages on here.  When I asked her to sign my ticket and I mentioned that it was my 5th time at which point she looked up and said "I recognise you, you are Margi from myspace" - I leaned over and we shared a hug (what else of course).  Chatted about Paddy Casey, Dlugokecki and South Africa.  Got some nice pics to post soon.
A really cultured evening and I almost feel sophisticated...

John Hoskinson @ Night & Day Cafe, Manchester - 27 May 06

Well this evening has been documented by both Helen and John but I wanna say what a great time I had too.

We drove to Manchester via Buxton and through the Peak District and it was beautiful sunshine which enabled us to take in the lovely scenery.  Found venue, John and parking with little effort.

After nice dinner and lovely company we made our way back to the Venue.  John Hoskinson was first on the bill and we were really excited about seeing him again.  John's set was different from previous night which was good but he still sang the songs we love including "I Hope I Die before you do" and finished with personal request of "Uncharacteristic". 

But song of the night is no doubt the Finn-tastic "Message to My Girl" which had Helen smiling like a cheshire cat!  She seemed a bit overwhelmed and it was lovely to see her so happy.  John forgot the words partway through, well then again he had not sung it for 3 years!  But lots of lalalala's meant he pulled it off well!

We now sat and listened to next band called The Acrylics nice little punk rock outfit with a front man that would not stand still and kept giving feedback by the way he was holding the microphone.  I remember John saying that these would be very good in a year or two.  There was some great potential and they were excellent entertainment.  Best song of theirs was a punk cover of Bangle's classic "Walk Like an Egyptian" - I need a copy of that one - superb!

The next band had me drooling...well almost.  It was a band from Glasgow called The People and they had a lovely sound with some excellent harmonies but what struck me the most was Gavin's voice!  If you could cross the voice of Bob Dylan and Richard Ashcroft...well thats what he sounded like to me.  You could hear the Dylan influences in some of the songs but for others I wanted to get up and Waltz.  Really fascinating and refreshing stuff and hell yes I am going to Glasgow to see these again!

Well the next band does not deserve talking about but I will now quite you extract of John Hoskinson's blog as its absolutely hillarious and so so very true.  Enjoy....

After that, we had a giant turd dropped into our musical cocktail. I saw an electric violin and was immediately fearful (fellow Eugene Edwards Band member, Darice Bailey, taught me to beware of such musical devices). The fear grew to complete and utter terror when the didgeridoo player sat down on stage. That's right -- a full-time didgeridoo player! They also had a DJ. Yeah. I know, I know... but it gets worse.
After starting out with a typical, 1 chord, hackysack instrumental jam, an out-of-work plumber jumped up on stage and started dancing. I soon realized that he wasn't simply some overexcited drunk. He was an overexcited drunk who was also the singer of the band. His voice was actually not bad -- kind of like the guy from Slade -- but it wasn't good enough to save this trainwreck. Their bass player -- who looked like what I imagine Tina Yothers looks like now (barrel-chested with a Flashdance style, off-the-shoulder t-shirt and a belt that looked like something a weightlifter would wear) -- was a semi-tone out of tune and NOBODY in the band seemed to notice.
The thing that really drove us out of there, though, was in the 3rd song when the rhythm guitarist stepped up and did some rapping.  Yeah, on top of the electric violin, the DJ, the out-of-tune Tina Yothers bass player, the dancing plumber and the didgeridoo player, we now had a white rapper to contend with.  He signified his street cred by wearing a hat that looked an awful lot like the toilet paper cosi my grandma used to have on the back of her toilet. It was worn really low, so it looked both menacing and ridiculous.
I think the band's name was something like The Mainstays, or The Mainway.  I don't know, or care. I think a better band name would be Crap Soup. My favorite quote of the evening was from Margi who said, "You know, I usually love anything with violin in it, but that was simply unnecessary."

What John failed to mention is that this lead singer was going "commando" and that was blatantly obvious in the way it was swinging as he was moving his hips...well you knowwhat I mean...

Epic read from a lovely fella!  We said our goodbyes and headed back to Nottingham.

Tuesday 30 May 2006

IPO Part 2 - Still Liverpool :o)

Ok about time I finish this as there are a few more gigs to report on :o)  Sorry its a bit of a biggie!

After Richard Snow finished his set at the Cavern on came a Swedish band called The Virtues.  This music was a bit more "rockier" but it was appropriate and I was loving it!  The Virtues made up of Per, Frederick and two other Swedish names I can't remember made some beautiful music and as was talking to them afterwards to see if we could catch them again the following day.  Turns out they were going to be in Accrington too.  Do you see a pattern emerging??? (Just for you Helen)

Next up were the Sparkle Jets UK and dispite the name were American.  The least said about this band the better and this is where I will stop as to not cause offence...
Another wonderful treat for me up next Steve Roberts and The Bank of England.  More wonderful rock music with Steve on Guitar, his brother Chris on Bass and Robbie on Violin (now you all know how much I love the violin!)  Steve is from Liverpool and chatting afterwards I was treated to many a "Babs" lol.  Oh yes and them boys can hug!!  I think Robbie was by far the best hug I had over the couple of days.  Sorry this should be about the music.  Well I only hug musicians whose music I love ;-P!  I really enjoyed the music, bought a CD and lost the CD - so will have to rectify that soon.  I really hope to see Steve and his band again real soon.

For the next act I was unable to sit still.  Frank Barajas played some groovy music with a distinct 70's pop twist.  Well ok so I had a few more pints at this point but I was really getting into this.  Wanted to call the fashion police though as Frank was dressed in a blue shirt with large white polka dots on it!  Not very fetching for this man's almost "gangster" look!  I had to buy his CD "The White Room Sessions" and been listening to it since.  Hoping that Frank will tour the UK so I can catch him again!

Much laughter and banter afterwards with Brett and John, Steve and his band and we managed to persuade Helen that she wanted to go to Accrington the following day (well it was on the way home?!)

We went for sub-standard kebab and got a taxi back to the hotel where we consumed said kebabs and chatted till about 3.30am. 
What a night! 

Next morning and more IPO and Accrington

Helen was awake at the crack of dawn and had to get me up so we can meet Richard and Heather for breakfast.  Who has breakfast before 9am???
Drove into town and after circling Liverpool a few times we managed to find parking (a total rip off mind) and then went to browse some shops and searching like mad for an internet cafe.  Anybody in Liverpool that wants to invest in business....Liverpool needs more than one internet cafe which is not 25 mins walk from The Cavern!
First stop was Lennons to check out a band but all there was inside was a band making noise and I hope it was not who I wanted to see.  Then decided to go back to the Cavern Pub to see Tim Reid again.  The place was packed and they all loved Tim, and of course we enjoyed it too.  (Helen did not send me any pics of Tim)
When Tim finished a few young boys came on stage for a band called Endbutt Lane.  This was lovely treat as these guys sang lighthearted pop with local themes and there was some very funny lyrics.  The banter between the band members was entertaining too.  Songs including "Pirates" and a song about a "Sausage Man".  Ones to see again sometime!

Now I am starting to sulk, as I realise that I don't wanna go home.  Nathan and Tim were laughing at me and asked Helen if she had to be anywhere.  We then said we promised to go to Accrington and maybe had time for a couple more acts.

Up next and I think what was my find of the couple of days was a band called The Stawls.  Lovely acoustic rock music with some piano-led songs.  I was drawn in from the very first song, right through to the end.  Also had to get a CD  and my fav song on the CD is a song called "High on Life" and I think its almost as if it was written for me :o)  Favourite performance of the afternoon was a song called "Fall".  Thanks guys :o)

Chatted to Rob afterwards and I don't know what the hell I am laughing at in this picture!

The next band Insanity Wave was our cue to get the hell out of there and on the road to Accrington!

Hmmmm well we found Accrington to find that there was not a great deal there and the place seemed deserted!  Got to the Attic ok and walked up several flights of stairs to see if there was any life.  Then thankfully saw Brett and John so we sat down.  Meant to go and get a bite but were not sure if there was anything open, so decided we would grab something on the way home.

First band on was called The Mop Tops and they were from Sweden, this was ok and a good start to the evening. 

Finally it was time to see Mr Lomas in action with his band The Nash and both Helen and I loved it!  They were seriously rocking on stage and the music made us happy.  John has a lovely voice and all the band seem to be in the groove.  I also think that Brett probably looks better that side of the stage as he was enjoying himself so much.  Actually the whole band was!

The Nash was the perfect hosts and got us drinks, fetched us sandwiches  and gave us CD's.  But the music alone was worth the trip to Accrington.  Hopefully we will all hook up again later this year...
More silly pictures...

After The Nash was a band called "What the...?" and that was my thoughts exactly!!!  Come back "Sparkle Jets UK" all is forgiven!

Next up was my second chance to see The Virtues and loved it again :o)

As Helen said in her blog, we are booking our holidays in Liverpool next year to take in this whole festival as it was just one good band after another and for any music fan this is a must.  But of course we don't have to wait that long for our next IPO as Philly is looking very this space....

On the way back from Accrington stopped at a Pizza place in Manchester as we were starving.  Well I got the best chat up line ever from the bloke behind the counter lol!  Imagine in the best broken English "In which you buy those beautiful eyes?"  Aww how sweet, well it put a smile on my face any way :o)

Sunday 28 May 2006

Sweet eBay Revenge

Something everybody should read..

My friend had some guy rip him off on eBay and this is his story.
Ok, quite long (Especially the comments) But funny as.

Spread the word, specially if you know him !

>> eBay Revenge <<
"I bought a laptop on eBay but it didn't work.
sobs spikytom, "The bloke refused to refund my
money, so as a means of petty revenge, I made
a little website documenting the things I
found on the hard drive." Ha! Best being the
voyeuristic photos of women's legs the young
eBay fraudster has snapped on the Tube.
Remind me never to piss him off!

Saturday 27 May 2006

Part 1 - I've had the time of my life - IPO Festival, Liverpool - 25/26 May 06

Don't you just love it when things you don't expect much from in life, creeps up on you and take you totally by surprise??  Well that is pretty much how I can describe my couple of days in Liverpool.

We set off in the afternoon via Stoke and at this point I was a little bit hyper already, this only being because I love Liverpool so much, I had no idea what was waiting for me there and its only on the way I discovered Helen's printed list of artists appearing at the IPO Festival.

Helen had booked us into same hotel as the Hattersley's.  They were in room 24 and we were in room 27.  I remember how funny it was when Helen mentioned they were 3 Doors Down (do we all remember Brad Arnold blogs?)

We got to hotel booked a taxi and had 10 minutes to get ready before taxi arrived.  Enough time for a smidgen of war paint and a change of clothes.  Taxi dropped us nearby and as we walked down Matthew street we bumped into Richard and Heather.  We had one drink in the Cavern pub before going across the road to Cavern Club.

Helen had been playing me John Hoskinson on the way to Liverpool and we went to see him in favour of Richard's first set (but I know he understands).  Besides once I walked down those hundreds of steps, was no way I was leaving till it was time to go home!

John Hoskinson was lovely indeed and sat down talking to us for a while after his sound check.  I took his camera to take pictures of him.  He opened up the evening and he was even better than what I heard on the way there.  I loved all the songs and was engrossed for entire set.  Specially loved "Its like Cigarettes" and two songs from the end John broke a guitar string and I was so impressed with his professionalism as he carried on playing without blinking an eye.  Last song was best as its a super love song but also easy to remember and makes you wanna sing along.  "I Hope I die before you do".  John set a high standard for rest of the acts and sat down next to us to enjoy it all.

Next guy really got Helen going as he reminded her of Neil Finn (she is so obsessive!). Tim Reid and Nathan on percussion and backing vocals was a lovely surprise and I remember thinking how can the night get better than this and we still had Richard to look forward to.  Can sing along to "Any Given Day" forever...

Serious eye candy up next in the shape of PaulMcDowell and The Peppermint Pigs and remember telling everyone that I want to have his babies.  Well I had about 5 pints of Strongbow at this point.  Music was awesome too.  You had Paul on guitar and a guy on Cello and drums.  Nice pop-tastic songs and that had my foot tapping as I was totally loving it and I thought the cello was a lovely touch.

Had to go and speak to this man afterwards and then bumped into Ant and met Lou also said hi to rest of the Inlaws and wives.  This was the moment where I realised its a small musical world when I bumped into Brett Lomas, who was the tour manager for BC Camplight.  He was telling me that his band had played the day before and they were in Accrington the following day.  I was now in hug overdrive...

Finally the moment we waited for and Richard and the Inlaws were on stage, the same stage where The Beatles once played.  I can safely say its been the best I have seen these guys.  They were loved by the crowd  and I of course enjoyed the usual favs like "Silent Girlfriend", "Girls on the Tube" and "Lonesome Cowboy" and have to say that even "Expectations" is growing on me. Great performance and we are only halfway through the evening!!!
 Ok this is taking longer than anticipated so bear with me and this is to be continued....

Friday 26 May 2006

Bon Jovi & Nickelback @ Croke Park in Dublin - 20 May 06

Plans had to change and before I knew it I was on my way to Holyhead as opposed to the original flight following day.  Arrived in Dublin very tired at 6am only to have to wait a couple of hours for Mick, as I was expected to land at about 8.30am

We headed into the city (getting very lost) trying to find the Hotel so stopped near St Stephens Green, for some breakfast and some shopping before finding parking right near the hotel (when we eventually found it)! Of course at that hour of the morning check in is not possible so left our bags in search of a pub to watch the Heineken Rugby Final as Mick was supporting Munster against Biarritz.
Sat down in the pub and its now just gone noon and I was seriously starting to flag, wanted nothing more than to go to hotel and sleep whilst the match is on.  But once the match started, was no possible way anybody could sleep through that!  Talk about exciting, it was nail biting stuff with Munster just having the edge.  Really cheeky try from Peter Stringer was best bit of the match for me and got them the deserved win.

Then back to hotel to go and get ready for Bon Jovi and Nickelback.  Ok the hotel happened to be in the Dublin red light district and was mega expensive, so I could only summise it was the kind of establishment they rent by the hour.

Hotel called us a taxi and we waited for ages, then decided it might be best to try and flag one down. 

Arrived at Croke Park to a cover version of Stereophonics "Dakota", so I assumed there was another support on before Nickelback.  After climbing about 20 ramps to get to 6 rows from the back of 100,000+ seater stadium almost killed me but I found it really hard to look down and everytime I stood up my stomach turned....never been that high before!

After a couple more songs I realised that it was Nickelback on stage already and it was them who did this cover song???!!  Anyway I was not impressed by the sound and it was terribly bright from the sunshine so all a bit weird.  Only managed to catch a few songs and I remember "Someday" and then they finished their set with "How you remind me" and that was about the best bit.

I remember thinking during Nickelback, "What the hell was I doing here?"  I have been so spoilt with intimate gigs that I found this stadium setting to be less than ideal.

Now time for main act Bon Jovi opened up with "You give love a bad name", they were positively on fire.  They sang lots of songs from the latest two albums including "Have a nice day", "Its my life", the list goes on as they basically carried on for nearly 3 hours. 
Sound was awesome and light show was fantastic too!

Wow what value for money.  We also had 3 encores and best song of the night for me was Richie Sambora singing "In These Arms" - that man can surely sing!  Bon Jovi finished the last encore with "Treat Her Nice" which was featured on The Committments sound track a few years back and that was superb.  Sadly no "Bed of Roses" but I still ended up thoroughly enjoying the stadium experience!
Well trying to get out of the Stadium along with 80,000 other peole was a bit hard as you can imagine, and you would have had more chance of seeing a Yeti than getting a taxi from there.  So we decided to walk into the City get some food and then hail taxi back to hotel.

O'Connell Street was still packed after the food and the walk, so decided to walk back to hotel.  This might have been easier if we had known where the hell we were going.  I have retraced my steps on a map since and it seems that we walked about 9.5 miles!  But eh circumstances and all that, must say though its prob my fault that we got a bit lost as I would not trust Mick to get me back to the hotel as he has no sense of direction either!

We had planned to go and see The Delarentos at the Village after Bon Jovi but by the time we got away from the stadium and to the south of the city it was too late.  Had some Abrakebabra though as no trip to Ireland is complete without that :o)

It was a great weekend for music and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Bon Jovi again, as last time was for the last concert in Wembly. 
Thanks to Mick for a lovely weekend!

Original Blog
What a lazy week, not been to a gig since Saturday and not bothered with the blogging either, which is really bad as I had a superb weekend of music.

Started off by wonderful Newsum Turn at Stoke on Trent and then on Saturday Bon Jovi and Nickelback in Croke Park, Dublin.  Some good stories to tell about both.  So when I get back from Liverpool tomorrow I will write, maybe.

Richard Snow today in The Cavern Liverpool!!!  Being a sucker for the scouse accent, I might not come home....