Thursday 11 May 2006

The Holloways & The Towers of London @ Sugarmill, Stoke on Trent - 10 May 06

Hmmm decided it was time for a girly road trip again as Helen and I hardly seem to spend any time together lately.  So I made my way to hers only for my car to make funny noises on the way there.  Decided it was best to go in hers  but strangely enough that too is making funny noises.

I think that should be the theme for the night.....

Arrived at the Sugarmill (without getting lost) to queues of punks & goths waiting for doors to open.  We decided to go for some food at Walkabout to find they don't do food so just had a drink instead.  Then back to venue to what can at best be described as very loud noise bellowing from the back of the venue, decided to find out what time The Holloways were on and try and find somewhere else to eat.  We had more than an hour to kill and had to settle for a Subway.

I think seeing the types of people in the queue alarm bells probably should have rung, but I know that Helen loves her harmonious bands, so thought perhaps the support act was different, ok and they were....a little.

I was gearing myself up for a fight at this point as we managed to end up in the mosh pit but people seem to feel the need to push each other over and throw beer over everyone.  I had to move to the side and out of the way.

The Holloways came on and I will be honest, did not entirely float my boat, I thought they were just loud Arctic Monkeys.  Some of the songs were very good and the frontman has a good voice.  But they sing that fast that you could not always make out the lyrics.  Can only remember one song and the title has lots of repeats of the word "Fuck" in it!  But as a whole, apart from the pushing, enjoyed it.

After Holloways finished, we caught a glimpse of the Towers of London on the balcolny and when they made it to stage, I think Helen's worst fears were recognised.  At a glance two of the band members could easily have passed for early Faces with the hair styles.  But the attitude coming from front man dressed in all white was something all together different.

I insisted we watched some of it as we had paid for £7 for the tickets and I did not feel I got my money's worth yet.  Helen offered me money to leave lol but I thought after all it is her who brought me here, she should enjoy The Towers of London.  I think we made it through 3 songs before I gave in and we made headway for the door.
Doorman pointed out to  us how there was no way back in and at that point I think we wanted that in writing!

Ears buzzing, and with very much the giggles I was then subjected to all things Finn again on the way home.  I am starting to think she deleted everything else off that MP3 player.  Managed to find some REM, 45 Rebellion and some Adam Smith....although Dlugokecki never fails to appear either.

I was craving milkshake and asked H to pull into McD's to find they had closed. She then said least she could do was make me one at her house. 

Lovely milkshake btw Helen but preparing it was every so entertaining.  Having no recipe and pouring random ingredients into a jug, trying to blend it quietly and ending up spilling loads on the worktop. The unique method for stopping spillage, us laughing so much as we had to be quiet and me tripping over the cats bowls.

We sat down still with buzzing ears enjoying the shakes and discussing life, love and happiness and I was still home before 1am!

Thanks for the entertainment Helen....I think and I'm very grateful we sustained no injuries tonight 

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